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gvSIG Mobile
gvSIG Mobile

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The sensor project contains different components that can be studied independently. This components provides their own interface that can be used by the consumer. One of these components can be classified as libraries, others as a extensions and finally as user interfaces.

.. image:: images/ComponentesSOS-T.png

** will be used by a implementation of **.


- **** Standalone sensor library.

  - **** Application programing interface that is used by other component to select a sensor provider and start to upload data. It has methods to retrieve all the registered sensor data providers, to retrieve all the previous used SOS servers, and to create a *Service* that is the responsible to upload data to the server.    

  - **** Programing interface to add sensor data providers. It has methods to register providers and methods to retrieve the list of registered providers. It defines the sensor data provider API.

- **** The SOS protocol manager. It contains utilities to create a SOS request as using templates. created for every configured sensor and to parse the SOS replies (ID Sensor returned). The GPS provider uses it to connect to the server, send sensor data and retrieve server responses.

- **** Providers implementations using  

  - **** GPS sensor provider implementation of methods adding gps registering, GPS offering, procedure and insert new positions as observations.


- **** This component let the user select the server, register the sensor on it and start to upload data every time configured.

UI Components

- **** User Interface components.

  - **** New methods to add the graphics components to show sensor configuration. 

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