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gvSIG Mobile
gvSIG Mobile

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Version 0.3 (23-04-2010)

  • The GPS feature doesn't work properly in some HTC devices.
  • Menus are not visualized properly on square/landscape screens.
  • Dialogs are not resized when changing to landscape/portrait mode.
  • User forms (tables) do not resize correctly when the screen resolution is high (for example DELL and HP with different resolutions on portrait and lanscape mode).
  • User forms (tables) appear on the (0,0) screen position (upper left corner) on Windows version. Because of that you can not see its content if you move, for instance, the window to the center of the screen.
  • On edition mode, points and lines are sometimes not shown, or only the first point is drawn. The same happens with distances and areas measurements.
  • The GPS is not recentered if the area is not big enough. This behaviour blocked the device because of the high level of zoom.
  • 3D shapefiles geometries with M or Z coordinate are not loaded properly on the application.
  • The comboboxes do not show the selected choice on the user form due to some strings on the shapefile tables has spaces at the end.
  • Lines are drawn in a verbose way (in som cases it is drawn a line for System.out for each geometry which is drawn).
  • On edition mode, the point addded are not drawn correctly.
  • This occurs only in the Siemens with J9 device. When the GPS connection fails, the button remains active as if the device is still connected. If you click it once again, the button remains active and the GPS restart connection.
  • The language initialization (on the menu bar) is in a static mode, so translation are lost showing a generic string.
  • If you are editing a vector layer, the application should not let you exit. The last warning "Save changes" can confuse because it don't refer to the edition changes but to the project changes.
  • The scrollbar is not shown on the window properties of the GPS.
  • Problems when saving the Virtual Machine on the memory card in some devices with several cards (hidden or not hidden).


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