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SESSION 1. Multipurpose gvSIG.
Moderator: Rafael Grimán
(Open Source Manager. SGI Spain).
Data input processes: Planning design tools. The Extremadura Geographic Information System
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FERNANDO CEBALLOS-ZÚÑIGA (Head of Town Planning Services. Extremadura Regional Government).
FRANCISCO JAVIER RUBIO (Design tool development consultant. Extremadura Regional Government).
Mobile gvSIG. Integrating gvSIG in mobile devices
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MIGUEL MONTESINOS (Technical Director. PRODEVELOP Technological Integration).
Managing an archaeological dig using gvSIG: the example of El Arenal de la Virgen (Villena, Alicante)
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AGUSTÍN DÍEZ (General Foundation. University of Valencia).
JAVIER FERNÁNDEZ (University of California, Santa Barbara).
MAGDALENA GÓMEZ (Department of Prehistory and Archaeology. University of Valencia).

SESSION 2. Spatial Data Infrastructures.
Moderator: Antonio Rodríguez
(GIS Service Manager and Spatial Data Infrastructure Team Leader. National Geographic Institute).
The Spatial Data Infrastructure of La Palma and gvSIG
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JUAN ANTONIO BERMEJO (GIS Technician. Planning and Services Department. Inter-island Council of La Palma).
Implementing a Spatial Data Infrastructure and municipal management tools in the town councils of the Valencian Region (IDEA-CV)
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MARTÍN GARCÍA (Organisation Service and Information Technology Manager. Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport).
gvSIG as a WFS client of the Land Registry Office
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ALBERTO CANO (I.T. Systems Manager. Land Registry Office).
An environmental GIS in the spatial data infrastructure environment
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CATALINA GONZÁLEZ (Geographer. Geographic and Environmental Information System (SIGA). Directorate-General for the Environment. Regional Ministry for Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning. Autonomous Region of Murcia).
JOSÉ LUIS LINARES (Agricultural Engineer. SIGA).

SESSION 3. FOSS4G Community (Open Source Software for GeoInformatics).
Moderator: Salvador Bayarri
(IVER T.I.).

SESSION 4. gvSIG. Diffusion and Cooperation.
Moderator: Daniel Sáez
(Head of Technological Innovation Department. I.T. Technological Institute (ITI)).
gvSIG Virtual Classroom
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MARIA ESTER GONZALEZ (Geographic Information Technology Lab (LatinGEO) – Technology University of Madrid).
Urban Development in Valencia - 2007
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ERNESTO FAUBEL (Head of the Innovation and Information Society Service. Valencia City Council).
The use of Geographic Information Systems in development cooperation projects
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CÀROL PUIG (Lecturer. Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences. Technology University of Catalonia).
Semiautomatic extraction and management of metadata in gvSIG
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ARTURO BELTRÁN (Centre for Interactive Visualization (CeVI). Jaume I University, Castellon).
MICHAEL GOULD (Centre for Interactive Visualization (CeVI). Jaume I University, Castellon).

SESSION 5. gvSIG in Latin America.
Moderator: Ignacio L. Sánchez

SPECIAL SESSION. gvSIG: Success stories in the Valencian Regional Government.
Moderator: Ana Climent
(General Administrative Secretary. Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport).
AFICOM Mobile. Field data collection. An example of genuine collaboration
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JUAN CARLOS VALEA (Head of the Department of Trade. Directorate-General for Trade and Industry. Valencian Regional Ministry of Trade, Industry and Innovation).
Towards the introduction of a port and coastal Spatial Data Infrastructure using open source software
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FERNANDO SÁNCHEZ (GIS Technician. Directorate-General for Ports, Airports and Coasts. Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport).

SPECIAL SESSION. INSPIRE, the European Spatial Data Infrastructure.
(European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit).