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Projects in category gvSIG Releases

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gvSIG Releases

The available projects in this category, alphabetized.

Debian releases

gvSIG Debian packages

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gvSIG 1.1.2 para Mac PPC

This is a hack to run the 1.1.2 version of gvSIG in Power PC computers. It haven't been tested this much, so maybe you will find problems.

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gvSIG 1.9 Portable

This release of gvSIG 1.9 let the user run gvSIG using an USB stick.

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gvSIG 1.11 portable

Portable version of gvSIG 1.11 Desktop

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gvSIG 1.12 portable

Portable version of gvSIG 1.12

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gvSIG for Windows Vista

This distribution is not official. It's based in gvSIG 1.1.2 (build 1045).

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gvSIG mini

gvSIG Mini is a map viewer for mobile phones, that displays existing free maps tiles services, such as OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Bing and more.

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gvSIG Mobile

gvSIG Mobile aims at broadening gvSIG execution platforms to a range of mobile devices, in order to give an answer to the needings of a growing number of mobile solutions users, who wish to use a GIS on different types of devices.

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gvSIG_1.9 for Mac

Works only with vector layers. This is a non-official version of gvSIG 1.9 for Mac. Works only with vector layers, the idea is to provide mac users with a flavor of the new version that includes new simbology features.

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