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gvSIG International Conference
gvSIG International Conference

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A total of 551 people participated in the 3rd gvSIG Conference which took place at the Valencia Conference Centre from 14th -16th November 2007.

Individuals and organizations wishing to participate in the symposia submitted their presentation proposals prior to the event. The scientific committee assessed these proposals and selected the presentations that would be given.

The 3rd Conference also served as the backdrop for the first open meeting of COSIRIS (Co-operation for Open Source Infrastructure for Run-time Integration of Services), the technological platform which aims to develop a European industry for open source solutions.

The Conference were organized by the Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and were sponsored by the following groups: Honorary Sponsors (Prodevelop, Dimensión-Indra, Fujitsu-Siemens, IVER Tecnologías de la Información and Fujitsu), Gold Sponsors (SGI and the Valencian Regional Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Innovation), Silver Sponsors (Telvent, Sun and Open Sistemas), and Bronze Sponsors (FOMEX, Creativa, Dielmo 3D, Axios, Lógica Extrema, Novell, Cenatic and the Ai2 Institute). The Universidad Politécnica de Valencia’s Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI), Latingeo, the Valencian Region’s Association of Environmental Sciences, OSGeo, the University of Valencia’s Robotics Institute, Jaume I University, Wheregroup, Girona University, Extremadura University and the OGC also contributed to the success of the Conference.

Program detailed in PDF format  ( 388 Kb)


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