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gvSIG International Conference
gvSIG International Conference

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<p><style media="all" type="text/css">@import "Documentos/jornadas_eng.css";</style></p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"><u><strong><big>Wednesday, December 2nd 2009</big></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Opening session</span></strong></u></span><br>
Ilustrious Mr. GASPAR PERAL RIBELLES (Undersecretary of the Conselleria d' Infraestructures i Transport. Generalitat).</p>
		<li><strong>Recording: </strong></li>
			<li>Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 38.8 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 38.7 MB</a>),  		(<img alt="" src=""><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <img alt="" src=""><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">New ideas for a new model</span></strong></u></span><br>
GABRIEL CARRIÓN (Director of gvSIG project. Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport. Generalitat).</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.7 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img alt="mp4" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""> 68.3 MB</a>, <img alt="mp4" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""> 44.4 MB</a>),  		(<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a><a target="_blank" href="">view 		at</a>, <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a><a target="_blank" href="">view 		at</a>)</li>
			<li> Promotional video (<img alt="mp4" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""> 70.6 MB</a>),  		(<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a><a target="_blank" href="">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session 1</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- gvSIG on EIEL of Pontevedra Province Council</strong><br>
JUAN IGNACIO VARELA (Cartolab – Univ. de Coruña)<br>
PABLO SANXIAO (Cartolab – Univ. de Coruña)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">5.7 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.6 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.9 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 97.7 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 97.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- gvSIG in the Local Government</strong><br>
ANTONIO GARCÍA BENLLOCH (Bétera Town Council, Valencia)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li>Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">7.7 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.0 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 99.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 100.4 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Town planning local registry</strong><br>
CÉSAR HERRERO (Tavernes de la Valldigna Town Council, Valencia)<br>
MARTA ZORNOZA (IVER T.I. - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.6 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 108.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 108.7 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><span style="font-size: small;"><u><strong>Workshop 1: Development on gvSIG 2.0</strong></u></span></span><br>
JOAQUÍN DEL CERRO (gvSIG Association)<br>
CÉSAR ORDIÑANA (DiSiD Technologies)<br>
JORGE PIERA (IVER T.I. - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.6 MB</a>)</li>
			<li>Video 1 (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 125.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 125.9 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
			<li>Video 2 (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 186.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 186.3 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 2</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- gvSIG, success stories in Latin America</strong><br>
JUAN RICKERT (Latingeo Catamarca. Argentina)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">7.1 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.3 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 115.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 115.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Developments in gvSIG for the improvement of the management of information for ISF Honduras</strong><br>
JUAN IGNACIO VARELA (Cartolab – Univ. de Coruña) <br>
JAVIER ESTÉVEZ (Cartolab – Univ. de Coruña) </p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.5 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 100.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 100.4 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Idejaén, continuous maintenance of the EIEL through gvSIG and SDI publishing with open source </strong><br>
JULIO TORRES (Diputación Provincial de Jaén)<br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">6.7 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 101.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 101.2 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 3</span></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><span style="font-size: small;"> <strong>- </strong></span><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Workshop 2: gvSIG 3D and animations</span></strong></u></span><br>
RAFAEL GAITÁN (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV)<br>
MARÍA TEN (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV)<br>
JORDI TORRES (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img alt="" src=""> <a target="_blank" href="">0.4 MB</a>, <img alt="" src=""> <a target="_blank" href="">0.1 MB</a>)</li>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 147.8 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 147.8 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
<p><strong>- StereoWebMap on gvSIG: incorporating the real 3D with internet</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li>Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.5 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 120.1 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 120.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 4</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- Application of gvSIG in a study related to forest fire monitoring.</strong><br>
PAULA URRUTIA (Universita’ degli Studi di Trieste)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li>Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">19.9 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.5 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 111.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 109.6 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Design and development of a gvSIG based kit to calculate enviromental indicators for the european initiative CAT- MED led by the Málaga City Council - OMAU</strong><br>
JUAN ANTONIO MORALES (SOPDE SA; Diputación Prov. de Málaga)<br>
RAFAEL BÁEZ (SOPDE SA; Diputación Prov. de Málaga)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">25.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">8.1 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Poster</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.9 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 154.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 152.6 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- First steps of gvSIG in the Andalucia Regional Ministry of Environment.</strong><br>
RAFAEL AYERBE (Cons. de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.8 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.5 MB</a>)</li>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Workshop 3: Development on gvSIG Mobile</span></strong></u></span><br>
JAVIER CARRASCO (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)<br>
ALBERTO ROMEU (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">3.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video 1 (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 207.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 210.0 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
			<li> Video 2 (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 139.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 140.3 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 5</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- Care to Share? - sharing your OSS code on</strong><br>
SZABOLCS SZEKACS (DG Informatics, European Commission)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">3.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 81.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 81.3 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- gvSIG Mobile and gvSIG Mini</strong><br>
MIGUEL MONTESINOS (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)<br>
JAVIER CARRASCO ( Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association) <br>
AMELIA DEL REY ( gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.8 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 103.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 102.7 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- gvSIG and standards: What happens when the fox guards the hen house?</strong><br>
JORGE PIERA (IVER T.I. - gvSIG Association)<br>
JOSÉ VICENTE HIGÓN (Software Colaborativo - gvSIG Association)<br>
GABRIEL CARRIÓN (Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport. Generalitat)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.0 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 150.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 149.2 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"> <u><strong><big>Thursday, December 3rd 2009</big></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 6</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- NavTable, sailing along the data in gvSIG</strong><br>
PABLO SANXIAO (Cartolab – Univ. de Coruña)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.3 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.8 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 115.6 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 114.9 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Project CarThema5 –  Tcharting tool</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.9 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 107.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 107.3 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 7</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- Offline broadcasting of the Junta de Andalucía spatial data with gvSIG</strong><br>
ENRIQUE SORIANO (Guadaltel, S.A.)<br>
DANIEL LEÓN (Guadaltel, S.A.)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">5.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.3 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 63.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 63.4 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- gvSIG collection manager for spatial resources</strong><br>
VICENT SANJAIME (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.8 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 130.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 130.7 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 8</span></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <strong><span style="font-size: small;">- <u>Workshop 4: gvSIG vectorial new features</u> </span></strong></span><br>
VICTORIA AGAZZI (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.5 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img alt="mp4" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""> 134.6 MB</a>, <img alt="mp4" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""> 133.2 MB</a>),  		(<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a><a target="_blank" href="">ver 		en</a>, <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a><a target="_blank" href="">ver 		en</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Implementation of a cartographic symbol servic prototype</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation ( <img alt="" src=""> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="">1.2 MB</a>, <img alt="" src=""> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="">1.2 MB</a>), Video 1 (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href="">5.4 MB</a>), Video 2 (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href="">0.7 MB</a>)</li>
			<li><strong> </strong> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 105.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 104.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">ver 		en</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">ver 		en</a>)</li>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
<p><strong>- Implementing gvSIG as an alternative for proprietary Desktop GIS software in the Department of Health and Environment, City of Munich</strong><br>
WOLFGANG QUAL (Munich City Council)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.9 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img alt="mp4" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""> 177.7 MB</a>, <img alt="mp4" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""> 177.9 MB</a>),  		(<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a><a target="_blank" href="">ver 		en</a>, <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a><a target="_blank" href="">ver 		en</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 9</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- Archeology and gvSIG: Andalusian settlement and landscape in the Serra Calderona (València)</strong><br>
KILIAN CUERDA (Departament d'Història Medieval, Univ. de València)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">9.5 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 92.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 92.0 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- gvSIG Development of a system for archaeological heritage management in local government: The case of Paterna (Valencia)</strong><br>
JOSÉ ENRIQUE LÓPEZ PERIS (Estudios de Afección Patrimonial S.L.P.)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.4 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.0 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 121.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 121.3 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- GeoCrawler and gvSIG: a tandem for the automatic generation of metadata</strong><br>
ARTURO BELTRÁN (Univ. Jaume I de Castellón)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong></li>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.9 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 144.1 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 144.7 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 10</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- The use of gvSIG and the implementation of gvSIG extensions as a standard client for a GIS infrastructure based on GIS Web services within the Autonomous Province of Bolzano</strong><br>
HELMUTH LEITNER (Autonomous Province of Bolzano – Department of statistical and geo Informatics)<br>
SUSANNE RIZZOLLI (Autonomous Province of Bolzano – Department of statistical and geo Informatics)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">5.8 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.7 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.0 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Poster</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">7.3 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 119.6 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 121.8 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Project CAMPUS – Land Cadastre Maintainence Tool</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.9 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 157.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 158.2 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 11</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- Developments on gvSIG for the Plan of drainage infrastructures of Galicia</strong><br>
JUAN IGNACIO VARELA (Cartolab – Univ. de Coruña)<strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.8 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.6 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- DielmoOpenLiDAR for the quality control of the LiDAR data acquired in the PNOA project</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.7 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Poster</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">18.5 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 163.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 165.4 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 12</span></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <strong><span style="font-size: small;">- <u>Workshop 5: gvSIG raster new features</u> </span></strong></span><br>
VALENTY GONZÁLEZ (Creativa, Venezuela - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.0 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 127.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 126.4 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Geographic Information System for improving the Quality Management and Olive Oil</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.8 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.5 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Poster</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.7 MB</a>)<strong><br>
<p><strong>- Quality and wine growing variability maps</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">7.6 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.9 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Poster</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">12.8 MB</a>)<strong><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> </span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">  13</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- JPostGIS and gvSIG connector</strong><br>
JOSÉ CARLOS MARTÍNEZ LLARIO (Univ. Politécnica de Valencia)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation ( <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 93.7 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 94.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- The Tellus project. Remote GIS data editing and sharing using Open mobile IS and gvSIG Mobile</strong><br>
JUAN LUCAS DOMÍNGUEZ (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation ( <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.4 MB</a>), Video 1 (<img alt="avi" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank">4.9 MB</a>), Video 2 (<img alt="avi" src=""> <a href="" target="_blank">88.4 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.5 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 112.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 113.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- New location functionalities for gvSIG Mobile 1.0 based on LibLocation.</strong><br>
JUAN GUILLERMO JORDÁN (Inst. de Robótica, Univ. de Valencia)<br>
MANUEL PLANELLS (Inst. de Robótica, Univ. de Valencia)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">7.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.9 MB</a>)</li>
		<li><strong>Article</strong> (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.3 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 155.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 155.0 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 14</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- Geoportal venezolano piloto (GEOVEN)</strong><br>
DR. CARLOS FIGUEIRA (Centro Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información de Venezuela)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.0 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 99.7 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 98.8 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- GNU Linuxmil Project</strong><br>
MIGUEL ÁNGEL BLANCO (SOLAR - "Software Libre de Argentina")</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">5.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">3.7 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 106.1 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 105.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Care to Share? - sharing experiences and best practice  on</strong><br>
SZABOLCS SZEKACS (DG Informatics, European Commission)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.7 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 97.6 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 98.3 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"> <u><strong><big>Friday, December 4th 2009</big></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 15</span></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <strong><span style="font-size: small;">- </span><u><span style="font-size: small;">Workshop 6: gvSIG on mobile devices</span></u></strong></span><br>
JAVIER CARRASCO (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)<strong><br>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 73.8 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 73.3 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
<p><strong>- LiDAR data server and client in gvSIG</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation ( <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">5.2 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 154.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 153.9 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 16</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- gvSIG and OSGeo in Google Summer of Code</strong><br>
JORGE GASPAR SANZ (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)<br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation ( <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.5 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 86.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 87.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- OpenStreetMap Spain</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">15.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">6.9 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 73.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 73.5 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- OSGeo and Spanish Language Local Chapter</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.3 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 155.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 157.7 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 17</span></strong></u></span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <strong><span style="font-size: small;">- </span><u><span style="font-size: small;">Workshop 7: gvSIG Network new features</span></u></strong></span><br>
FRANCISCO JOSÉ PEÑARRUBIA  (Software Colaborativo - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li>Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.3 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 221.1 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 219.9 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- Extending SEXTANTE capabilities with WPS remote processing services and GRASS algorithms</strong><br>
VÍCTOR OLAYA  (Univ. de Extremadura)<strong><br>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 69.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 68.7 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
<p><strong>- MEIGAS. A free gvSIG-based tool for forest management and inventory</strong><br>
VÍCTOR OLAYA  (Univ. de Extremadura)<strong><br>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 63.2 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 63.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Session</span></strong></u></span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"><u><strong><span style="font-size: small;"> 18</span></strong></u></span><br>
<strong>- Application to improve the knowledge of the valencian commercial sector and make its analysis possible from the territorial point of view</strong><br>
GREGORIO LLEÓ (Serv. Planificación, Control y Equipamientos Comerciales. Conselleria de Industria, Comercio e Innovación)<br>
PURIFICACIÓN RÍOS (IVER T. I.  - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">5.5 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">3.9 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 134.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 137.2 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong>- gvSIGCarreteras: aplication for road data management</strong><br>
DOLORES ARTEAGA (Ingeniera en Cartografía y Geodesia)<br>
ROBERTO HERNÁNDEZ (IVER T.I.  - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li>Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">0.6 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 99.4 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 109.9 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<p><strong> </strong></p>
<p><strong>- gvSIG Internationalization: how to start in other countries. Factors to realize the international stabilization, working with the software and current status.</strong><br>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation ( <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.7 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 129.0 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 130.0 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Workshop 8: gvSIG, Civil Engineering</span></strong></u></span><br>
IGNACIO BRODÍN (IVER T. I. - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.8 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">1.4 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 120.8 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 120.1 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Workshop 9: gvSIG Sensors</span></strong></u></span><br>
CARLOS SÁNCHEZ (Prodevelop S.L. - gvSIG Association)</p>
		<li><strong>Presented material:</strong>
			<li> Presentation (<img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.7 MB</a>, <img src="" alt=""> <a href="" target="_blank">2.1 MB</a>)</li>
			<li> Video (<img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 180.9 MB</a>, <img src="" alt="mp4"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""> 179.5 MB</a>),  		(<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src=""></a><a href="" target="_blank">view at</a>)</li>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);"> <u><strong><span style="font-size: small;">Closing session</span></strong></u></span><br>
MARTÍN GARCÍA (Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport. Generalitat)</p>
<p> </p>

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