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gvSIG International Conference
gvSIG International Conference

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Wednesday, December 1st 2010

Opening session

Session 1
- Multimodal trip planner for interurban buses
MARÍA DEL MAR MARTÍNEZ (Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport - Generalitat)

- gvSIG Fonsagua: GIS application to manage water and sanitation programs
FRANCISCO PUGA (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña)


Session 2

- Opportunities offered by the Spanish Law on Geographic Information Services and Infrastructures (LISIGE) to gvSIG users
ANTONIO F. RODRÍGUEZ (Instituto Geográfico Nacional)
VÍCTOR RAMOS (Instituto Geográfico Nacional)
OSCAR CASTELLANOS (Instituto Geográfico Nacional)

- Growing gvSIG communities
VICTORIA AGAZZI (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association)
MARÍA MARTA ELUSTONDO (Asociación Civil Software Libre de Argentina (SOLAR))
MARIA AUGUSTA DOETZER (Embrapa Florestas - Brasil)


Session 3
- Migração para gvSIG do SIG-RB – SIG da Bacia do Ribeira de Iguape e Litoral Sul, SP – Brasil
ARLEI BENEDITO MACEDO (Instituto de Geociências – Universidade de São Paulo)
FABRÍCIO BAU DALMAS (Instituto de Geociências – Universidade de São Paulo)

- gvSIG Desktop as a tool for monitoring experimental plantations in Araucaria Forest in Brazil
MARIA AUGUSTA DOETZER (Embrapa Florestas - Brasil)

- Winemaking heritage and vineyards landscape at geotourism implemented on gvSIG
MIRIAM LEAL (Centro de Fotogrametría Cartografía y Catastro – Universidad Nacional de San Juan-Argentina)


Workshop 1: gvSIG 3D
RAFAEL GAITÁN (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV)
MARÍA TEN (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV)
JORDI TORRES (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV)
JESÚS ZARZOSO (Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial. UPV)


Session 4
- New functionalities of gvSIG Mobile 1.0
JAVIER CARRASCO (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association)

- gvSIG Mobile Sensor, field sensor data collection extension to observarions and measurements
CARLOS SÁNCHEZ (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association)

- gvSIG Mini, a mobile open source map viewer
RUBÉN BLANCO (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association)
ALBERTO ROMEU (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association)

- gvSIG Mobile on Leica devices
JUAN LUCAS DOMÍNGUEZ (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association)
ÁLVARO ANGUIX (gvSIG Association)


Workshop 2: Development on gvSIG 2.0
CÉSAR ORDIÑANA (DiSiD Technologies)
JORGE PIERA (Prodevelop S.L. - gvSIG Association)


Thursday, December 2nd 2010

Session 5
-The Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies: Spreading gvSIG to students coming from all over the world financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus Programme
JOAQUÍN HUERTA (Universitat Jaume I)

- Presentation of the teaching approach on GIS training based on gvSIG within the University of Rennes 2 (Brittany-France) at a master of geography level
FLORENT DEMORAES (Universidad de Rennes 2)
ERWAN QUESSEVEUR (Universidad de Rennes 2)

- Synergies between gvSIG and the Profesional Master UNIGIS in GIS Management
FERRÁN ORDUÑA (Servicio de Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección – Universitat de Girona)


- Workshop 3: SEXTANTE (Part 1)
VICTOR OLAYA (Universidad de Extremadura / Sextante Geospatial Services)


- Workshop 3: SEXTANTE (Part 2)

VICTOR OLAYA (Universidad de Extremadura / Sextante Geospatial Services)

Session 6
- gvSIG applied to the Defense
MIGUEL ÁNGEL BLANCO (Asociación Civil Software Libre de Argentina (SOLAR))

- Management of information with gvSIG in the local administration
ANTONIO GARCÍA (Ayuntamiento de Bétera)

- gvSIG EIEL: an application to manage municipal data
FRANCISCO ALBERTO VARELA (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña)


Session 7
- geneSIG – A customized gvSIG client for the newGIS infrastructure
HELMUTH LEITNER (Autonomous Province of Bolzano – Department of Statistical and Geo Informatics)
ALESSIO MODENA (Trilogis – Rovereto)

- WG-Edit: a new gvSIG extension for the street cadastre management
FULVIA GAMBALONGA (Autonomous Province of Bolzano – Department of Statistical and Geo Informatics)
FLAVIO POMPERMAIER (Sinergis – Trento)

- Evaluation of gvSIG and Sextante Tools for Hydrological Analysis
HILDAH MUDOGAH (Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart – University of Applied Science)


- Workshop 4: Basic implementation of a SDI node on Open Source software
JOSÉ VICENTE HIGÓN (Software Colaborativo S.L – gvSIG Association)


Session 8

- Design tool for urban and territorial planning in Extremadura
FERNANDO CEBALLOS-ZÚÑIGA (Consejeria de Fomento – Junta de Extremadura)
JAVIER RUBIO (Consejeria de Fomento – Junta de Extremadura)
VICENTE CABALLERO (Iver T.I. – gvSIG Association)

- Fuenlabrada's Spatial Data Infrastructure
JOSÉ MARTOS (Ayuntamiento de Fuenlabrada)
LUÍS RUÍZ (Iver T.I. – gvSIG Association)
JOSÉ VICENTE HIGÓN (Software Colaborativo S.L – gvSIG Association)

- FOSS4G and free data in emergency management

- Application about the check of documentation produced in the field of POEX PNOA Project field on gvSIG
VICENTE MAYO ( Dirección General de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio – Junta de Extremadura)
ANTONIO SORIA (Iver T.I. – gvSIG Association)


- Workshop 5: Development of personalized forms with NavTable
ANDRÉS MANEIRO (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña)
FRANCISCO PUGA (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña)
JAVIER ESTÉVEZ (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña)
PABLO SANXIAO (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña)


Session 9
- GearScape integration in gvSIG

- Multiparameter data visualization module for gvSIG
ROMEL VÁZQUEZ (Centro de Estudios de Informática – Universidad Central de Las Villas)
JUAN CARLOS TORRES (Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos – Universidad de Granada)

- Trajectory mining: A conceptual model proposal
ADOLFO URRUTIA (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

- Mapping Bolivia. Drawing up development
CLAUDIA UBERHUAGA (Laboratorio LatinGEO – Univ. Politécnica de Madrid)
MIGUEL ÁNGEL BERNABÉ (Laboratorio LatinGEO – Univ. Politécnica de Madrid)


Session 10
- Generating resource descriptions for gvSIG from GeoCrawler
ARTURO BELTRÁN (iNIT – Universitat Jaume I)
CRISTIAN MARTÍN (iNIT – Universitat Jaume I)

- OSGeo, the Open Source for Geospatial Foundation and its Spanish Language Local Chapter 

- Spatial Data Infrastructure in 3D of the Torrent city council based in Open Source
JUAN JOSÉ OLCINA (Ayuntamiento de Torrent)

- Use of gvSIG, DielmoOpenLiDAR and SEXTANTE for the production of large volumes of LiDAR data


Friday, December 3rd 2010

Session 11
- Loading raster images from gvSIG using PostGIS-Raster
NACHO BRODIN (Prodevelop S.L. - gvSIG Association)

- Evaluation of the buildings in the area of architecture controlled by the UNESCO polygonal. Santa Ana de Coro
VALENTY GONZÁLEZ (Creativa – gvSIG Association)

- OCEANTIC. Software for the transfer, display and management of digital information on the high sea


Session  12
- Geographical techniques applied to the study of archaeological sites in the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires
DIANA SANDRA TAMBURINI (Dpto. Arqueología (FHyA) – Universidad Nacional de Rosario)
ADRIÁN OSCAR BUSSOLINI (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura – Universidad Nacional de Rosario)

- Developments in gvSIG to manage the data in archaeological sites
ANDRÉS MANEIRO (CartoLab – Universidade da Coruña)

- GeoWeb Móvil – Application for mobile devices to carry out indicative budgets for geotechnical studies
JORGE CEBRIÁN (Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación)
JOSÉ MANUEL VIVÓ (DiSiD Technologies S.L)


- Workshop 6: gvSIG Mobile – gvSIG Mini
JAVIER CARRASCO (Prodevelop SL - gvSIG Association)
ALBERTO ROMEU (Prodevelop S.L. – gvSIG Association)

- How to make a Geoportal from gvSIG in 15 minutes
VALENTY GONZÁLEZ (Creativa – gvSIG Association)

Closing session



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