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gvSIG International Conference
gvSIG International Conference

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Alvaro Anguix. Asociacion gvSIG.

Álvaro Anguix Alfaro
General Manager. gvSIG Association



"The development of the gvSIG project, known for its strong growth and expansion, is endowed with an organizational structure which is capable of meeting both the demands it receives and the expectations raised. The challenge was very clear, to decide what the organization should be and create it. The starting premise was also very clear, to maintain the values and principles of gvSIG and take it to new heights.

The community found in gvSIG a project where collaboration and the exchange of knowledge form part of its genetic code. They found a project where the technical aspects were important; this could not be done in any other way, but these are not the only aspects.

The gvSIG project proposes that the same values of collaboration and the exchange of knowledge, valid for the technical part of the project, should also be the same as those that govern the organizational aspects and their sustainability. The same methods are proposed for the Scientific, Political and Economical areas.

These values, this vision, were those that led to the birth of the “Association for Promotion of Free Geomatic and the Development of gvSIG”, known as the gvSIG association.

By guaranteeing the quality of the work that is developed, the results obtained are aimed towards the benefit of the community; assuring the sustainability of the project are the fundamental objectives of the gvSIG association.

The gvSIG association should inevitably receive more attention in order to gain more respect for gvSIG, as well as to continue to develop its excellent work for the Regional Ministry of Infrastructures and Transportation of the Generalitat Valenciana, the entity responsible for the emergence of this project in the software world.

It is now when we find ourselves with the responsibility to be the main organizers of the International gvSIG conference.

Through the exchange of knowledge, we are attempting to construct a new reality where the common values of free software in the scientific field, are those that determine the economic and political aspects of this new organization; knowledge that will allow us to build a new reality, knowledge for Change. This is the slogan for the 6th International gvSIG conference."


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