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gvSIG International Conference
gvSIG International Conference

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<p><style type="text/css" media="all">@import "Documentos/jornadas_eng.css";</style></p>
<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p>
<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">For the Conference, several levels of participation have been defined for public or private entities.</p>
<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p>
	<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Level 1: PLATINUM 	Sponsor</p>
	<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Level 2: GOLD 	Sponsor</p>
	<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Level 3: SILVER 	Sponsor</p>
	<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Level 4: BRONZE 	Sponsor</p>
	<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Collaborator</p>
	<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Associated Media</p>
<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p>
<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">For further information, please consult the <a target="_blank" href="Documentos/manual_patrocinador_9asJgvSIG_en.pdf"><u>Manual of sponsors</u></a> or contact us in the following e-mail address: <a href=""></a>.</p>

<p align="justify" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">For further information, please contact us in the following e-mail address: <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p>

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