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Module commonsdialog reference

por Victor AcevedoÚltima modificación 02/01/2013 13:51

module commonsdialog reference: Utilities to show predefined dialog windows

Module commonsdialog

Window message, msgbox

Shows window message with acept button only.

msgbox(message [, title, messageType])
  • msgbox(message [, title, messageType])
    • param message: Text to show
    • type message: string
    • param title (optional): Window title.
    • type title: string
    • messageType, integer [FORBIDEN| IDEA| WARNING| QUESTION]: Show window icon to emphasize message. Reconized constant values
      • FORBIDEN: Forbiden symbol
      • IDEA: Lamp symbol
      • WARNING: Warning symbol
      • QUESTION: question symbol

Confirm window, confirmDialog

Shows a message to the user to choose one option

confirmDialog(message, [title, optionType, messageType])
  • confirmDialog(message, [title, optionType, messageType])
    • param message: Text to show
    • type message: string
    • param title (optional): Window title.
    • type title: string
    • optionType, integer [YES_NO | YES_NO_CANCEL | ACEPT_CANCEL] (optional): Buttons to show
      • YES_NO: Yes/no buttons.
      • YES_NO_CANCEL: yes/no/cancel buttons.
      • ACEPT_CANCEL: accept/cancel buttons.
    • type messageType: integer
    • param messageType [FORBIDEN | IDEA | WARNING | QUESTION] (optional): Show window icon to emphasize message.
      • FORBIDEN: Forbiden symbol
      • IDEA: Lamp symbol
      • WARNING: Warning symbol
      • QUESTION: question symbol

Input window , inputbox

Displays an input box to ask the user to enter a string

inputbox(message, [title, messageType, initialValue])
  • inputbox(message, [title, messageType, initialValue])
    • param message: Text to show
    • type message: string
    • param title (optional): Window title.
    • type messageType: integer
    • param messageType [FORBIDEN | IDEA | WARNING | QUESTION] (optional): Show window icon to emphasize message.
      • FORBIDEN: Forbiden symbol
      • IDEA: Lamp symbol
      • WARNING: Warning symbol
      • QUESTION: question symbol
    • param initialValue: Initial text to show in the text area
    • type initialValue: string

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