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gvSIG Desktop
gvSIG Desktop

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You must install InstallJammer, the application used to create installers for gvSIG on your computer. You can download the latest version available at Once installed, make sure the application InstallJammer is available in the execution PATH (the executable, not a link).


Note: The examples have been given that the installer version of gvSIG which will generate is the 1.12.0. If you were to create an installer for a later version 1.12.0 or replace where it appears in the version 1_12_0. If you changed the version of gvSIG, now only needs to be replaced in the project appgvSIG file in the properties gvSIG-version version.

  1. Communicate to the development list the version number and wait a bit to upload their changes (look in the file build.number of the current extension and increase it by one).


    It will immediately generate a new build of gvSIG 1.12 for testing. This build is extracted from the Trunk.
    If you have anything pending, and upload it.
  2. Removing Build Automatically.

  3. Sync with svn:

    svn update *
    • Make clean-all and build all of the build.xml of appgvSIG for the workspace (through external tools).
  4. Refresh for the entire workspace.

  5. Check that gvSIG start and load what we expect.

  6. Run in shell console in the workspace directory

    svn update *

    to download the changes.

- If no change (this is seen in the Windows shell), is passed to the next point.

- If they exist, it is synchronize changes, and repeat everything from the point 4 (*clean all* and *build-all*) until in this point has not changed.
    • Make clean-all and build -all the build.xml file of appgvSIG for the workspace (through external tools). Check start and load gvSIG what we expect.
  1. If you have to change labels of distribution (alpha, beta, RC1, ...) or version number change in:

    System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 54)

    Literal block expected; none found.

install / (here only in case of change of version number) _fwAndami / theme / scaffold-theme.xml (two sites) appgvSIG /
  1. Now from external tools run the target configurations make-binary-distribution of the build.xml of the project appgvSIG. This tends to raise the build number of gvSIG.

  2. Check start and load gvSIG what we expect. Check on the About of the application that the build number is the one who plays.

  3. If you want to create Windows executables gvsig-desktop.exe and gvsig-package-installer.exe, you must run launch4j (Download launch4j of and generate from the gvsig.xml and gvsig-package_installer.xml found in /install/launch4j.

  4. The installers are built using InstallJammer. This is done by running the build.xml located in the folder install/installjammer, which will generate installers for Windows and Linux and leave them in the folder * /install/installjammer/output*.

  5. Install the application to test and verify that the version is correct (menu help/about has to include the new build number).

  6. If all goes well we got the files to osor FTP server within the folder:


    where 14xx is the new build number (as indicated in item 1). Give uploaded files permissions to read, write and execute for all

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 75)

Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.


  1. Recreate the add-on packages main index. Ex:

    ssh [USER] "cd /home/groups/gvsig-desktop/www/gvSIG-desktop/dists/1.12.0; ../gvspkg mks -c -s"

  2. Move the file packages.gvspks to /home/groups/gvsig-desktop/www/downloads/pub/projects/gvSIG-desktop/devel/gvSIG-1_12/gvSIG-1_12_0/[BUILD_NUMBER]/ renaming like gvSIG-desktop-[VERSION]-[BUILD_NUMBER]-[STATE]-all-all.gvspks and generate standards installers:

    cd /home/groups/gvsig-desktop/www/downloads/pub/projects/gvSIG-desktop/devel/gvSIG-1_12/gvSIG-1_12_0/$BN
    # Get and rename package set 
    mv $DISTS/1.12.0/packages.gvspks gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-all-all.gvspks
    # Generate custom installers with jre and package set
    $DISTS/gvspkg mkinstall --addjrelin gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-lin-x86-online.bin gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-all-all.gvspks
    $DISTS/gvspkg mkinstall --addjrewin gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-win-x86-online.exe gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-all-all.gvspks
    # Rename custom installers to "standard" installers
    mv gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-lin-x86-custom.bin gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-lin-x86-standard.bin
    mv gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-win-x86-custom.exe gvSIG-desktop-1.12.0-$BN-devel-win-x86-standard.exe
  3. Install gvSIG and perform a quick test of the generated installers, downloading all add-ons and checking some basic functionalities (linux, windows, ...).

  4. Create a tag of the files included into the install build, with the build number and the tag name. Take into account that some of the project will be located in other svn repositories. You will have to create a tag into each of them, appart from the one in the gvsig-desktop project repository.

    To create the tag, if you use the subclipse eclipse plugin, follow those steps (should be very similar if you use subversive instead):

    1. Select in your package explorer, project explorer or navigator, the projects to create the tag with.
    2. Click over them with the right button and select the option Team > Branch/Tag...
    3. In the Copy to URL: field put the URL to the tag to create. Ex: Check also the Create any intermediary folders that are missing and Preserve folder structure. The last one will put the projects into the tag with the same structure as the main branch (frameworks/_fwandami, libraries/libCompat, etc.).
    4. In the Create copy in the repository from: select the Working copy option. This way the tag will be created from the files you have into your workspace, so the tag won¡t contain any changes commited by other people while you where performing the build process.
    5. In the tag comment, put something about the build being created, like: gvSIG 1.12.0 build 14xx.

    Sadly, the OSOR subversion server cuts sometimes the connection so the tag process may stop in the middle. In that case, you will have some of the projects already available in the tag.

    As the process follows the order of the projects in your package or project explorer, look in the svn log for the project where the error was produced, deselect the projects (already tagged) in your package/project explorer view listed before that project and start again with the previous steps.

  5. Do commit in the trunk with the changes we have made. The commit message is * v1_12_0_Build_14xx * where 14xx is the build number.

  6. Create a ticket bugtracking note on the type (taken as a * template * tickets earlier this type, for example build = 1305 804). Do not forget in the same comment to the link to download the binaries.

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