Other distributions
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0.25 MB) -
0.22 MB)
Instructions for downloading the Live-DVD from Megaupload: (
0.18 MB) -
0.18 MB)
- gvSIG 1.11 Live DVD (7th gvSIG Conference - December 2011): Live-DVD given at 7th gvSIG Conference. It includes a course on gvSIG 1.11.
- Image (
3,9 GB) :
- Image (
- gvSIG 1.11 Live DVD (May 2011): Live-DVD given at the different events during spring and summer 2011. It includes a gvSIG 1.11 course.
- gvSIG 1.10 and gvSIG 1.11 for Mac: There's a gvSIG distribution for Mac, that includes the 3D extension. This distribution has been developed by Rafael Gaitán, in collaboration with the University Institute of Control Systems and Industrial Computing (ai2) of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, and it's still on development. Download gvSIG version for Mac with 3D extension included.
- gvSIG 1.10 Live DVD (6th gvSIG Conference - December 2010): Live-DVD given at 6th gvSIG Conference. It includes a course on gvSIG 1.10.
- Image (
3,1 GB) :
- Image (
- gvSIG 1.9 Live DVD (OSGIS2010 - June 2010): Live-DVD given at OSGIS2010 in Nottingham (United Kingdom) . It includes a course on gvSIG 1.9.
Cover (
0.4 MB)
- gvSIG 1.9 for Windows Vista and Windows 7: For Windows Vista and Windows 7 there's an extension, the 3D ext., that has to be installed over gvSIG 1.9 and fixes a problem with raster libraries. It's still on development and it's available on the Development versions section.
- gvSIG 1.9 for Mac: There's a gvSIG 1.9 distribution for Mac, that includes the 3D extension. This distribution is still on development. and it's available on the Development versions section.
- gvSIG 1.9 Live DVD (5th gvSIG Conference - December 2009): Live-DVD given at 5th gvSIG Conference. It includes a course on gvSIG 1.9.
Cover (
1.3 MB)
- Arramagong LiveDVD: Live-DVD, based on Xubuntu, that allows to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything.
- gvSIG 1.1.2 & gvSIG
1.9alpha Live DVD (4th gvSIG Conference - December 2008): Live-DVD given at 4th gvSIG Conference. It includes a course on gvSIG 1.1.2.
Cover (
0.8 MB)
- GISVM Desktop (November 2008): GISVM is a Free(dom) and ready to use anywhere Geographic Information System Virtual Machine; based on Ubuntu Linux, it's a mixture of GIS, open source and virtualization.
- gvSIG 1.1 USB drive (3rd gvSIG Conference - November 2007): USB Drive with gvSIG 1.1 given at 3rd gvSIG Conference.
- First part of the distribution (
174 MB)
- gvSIG 1.1 Live DVD (3rd gvSIG Conference - November 2007): Live-DVD given at 3rd gvSIG Conference. It includes a course on gvSIG 1.1.
- Image (
3,4 GB): Download from Megaupload / Download from Megaupload for users with a Premium account
Cover (
0.8 MB)
- gvSIG 1.0.2 Live DVD (AGIT07): Live-DVD given at AGIT07 in Salzburg (Austria).
- Image (
3.3 GB)