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gvSIG Desktop

Where is MapControl's addMapTool method?

Version 1.9 had an addMapTool method in the MapControl class but Version 2.0 doesn't.

Where can it be found?

The addMapTool method has simply been renamed addBehavior.

What is equivalent to the FieldDescription class in version 2.0?

In version 1.9 the FieldDescription class was used to query the attributes of a field in a table.

How is this done now?

In version 2.0 all data access has changed. To query the attributes that describe a field in a table you have to make use of the FeatureAttributeDescriptor class.

A vector layer has a FeatureStore, which in turn has a defaultFeatureType, that defines the structure of the feature by means of the FeatureAttributeDescriptor.

What has happened to FLyrVect's getRecordset and getSource methods?

The getSource and getRecordset methods were used to access a layer's data.

What is used now?

In version 2.0 the vector layers have a getFeatureStore method that returns a FeatureStore and provides access to both spatial and alphanumeric data.

If you just want to get all the layer's features you can invoke the getFeatureSet method of FeatureStore.

Can't locate the View class?

Some parts of my Extension were cast to the View class in order to access the view window.

Where is this class now?

The View class has been renamed and should not be used for casting. If you do need it, it will probably be sufficient to cast the IView interface.

Where can I find the ViewPort's getAdjustedExtent method?

How can I find the extent of the view port?

There is no longer a getAdjustedExtent method.

There has been a systematic elimination of all the methods that worked with an Extent. These have been replaced by methods for managing an Envelope. Operations on the gvSIG extent treated it as a 2D rectangle, which, with the emergence of more complex geometries, is no longer correct.

The methods that used to work on an Extent now work with an Envelope, and so have been renamed.

The getAdjustedExtent method has now become getAdjustedEnvelope.

How can I convert a geometry to JTS?

I have code that works with geometries that follow the JTS model.

How can I convert a gvSIG Geometry to JTS format?

You can do this by invoking:

Geometry geom;
com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry jtsGeom;

jtsGeom = (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) geom.invokeOperation(ToJTS.CODE, null);

Can't find getModel in the View class?

I have a variable of type View and would like to access the getModel method. Where I can find it in 2.0?

The code in 1.x was something like:

IWindow window;
MapContext mapa = ((View) window).getModel().getMapContext()

The code in 2.0 is:

IWindow window;
MapContext mapa = ((IView) window).getViewDocument().getMapContext();

How do I get an extension point?

To get an extension point:

The code in 1.x was something like this:

ExtensionPoint pe;
String name;
pe = (ExtensionPoint) ExtensionPointsSingleton.getInstance().get(name);

In 2.0 the code is:

ExtensionPoint pe;
String name;
pe = ToolsLocator.getExtensionPointManager().get(name);

The createLayer method of the LayerFactory class is deprecated. How do I create a raster layer?

The createLayer method of the LayerFactory class is deprecated. How do I create a raster layer?

The code in 1.x was something like this:

String filename;
BaseView view;
FLayer newLayer = LayerFactory.createLayer(filename, "gvSIG Image Driver",new File(filename), view.getProjection());

In 2.0 the code is:

String filename;
IView view;
DataStoreParameters parameters = DALLocator.getDataManager().createStoreParameters(RasterStoreProvider.NAME);
parameters.setDynValue("filename", filename);
parameters.setDynValue("srs", view.getViewDocument().getMapContext().getProjection());
FLayer newLayer = MapContextLocator.getMapContextManager().createLayer(filename, parameters);

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