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3D y animación 0.1.0

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-10-29 15:35

As it was shown in the previous section, it is necessary to indicate in which way the vector layers will be represented in the 3D view. It is possible to change the type of representation by using the 3D properties of a layer.

If we go to the TOC and right-click over the vector layer, a context menu will appear. We will select “Propiedades 3D” and the following dialog will show up:


If we go to "Opciones" in the “Capa vectorial” tab, we could modify the way to represent the 3D layer.


In the same windows we could see there is another section “Nivel de detalle” and there are several other related options:

  • Activar profundidad máxima: This option calculates the maximum depth to which the layer is valid and does not continue subdividing.
  • Activar intervalo: This option indicates over which subdivision interval the layer is visible.
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