gvSIG-Desktop 1.9. User manual
The WCS (Web Coverage Service) is another of the OGC standards supported by gvSIG. The WCS is a coverage server. It is different from WMS as this standard defines a map as a representation of geographic information in the shape of a digital image file which can be shown on a computer screen. The map does not include its own data but WCS, however, does provide its own data, which can subsequently be analysed. WCS therefore allows raster data to be analysed just as WFS allows vector data to be analysed.
- The pull-down menu shows a list of WCS servers (you can add a different server if you don’t find the one you want).
- Click on “Connect”. gvSIG connects to the server.
- and 4. When the connection is made, a welcome message from the server appears, if this has been configured. If no welcome message appears, you can check whether you have successfully connected to the server if the “Next” button is enabled.