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Manual de usuario gvSIG 1.9

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2011-04-19 16:42

To install the translation of a language or update one already existing, we need to have a compressed ZIP file saved in the file system. The ZIP file should include a properties file with the translated texts to that language.

To install a language translation, we will select Instalar from the language preferences. A file browser will open and we will look for the .zip file to be installed in our file system.


Selecting the .zip file to import.

Once the .zip file to be imported is selected, we will click in the Importar button and the file will be loaded by the application. Next gvSIG will let us know if the import was successful.


Import confirmation

If it is a language already installed in the application, the new translation will substitute the previous one. If on the other hand it is a new language, it will be installed and the new language will show up in the table of available languages.

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