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gvSIG-Desktop 1.10. User Manual

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2011-09-13 17:10

Upon installing gvSIC a folder called 'Symbols' is created in the user directory, here you can save different types of symbols (punctual, linear, polygonal...). In other words, it works as a library of symbols. Also, gvSIG includes, by default, a set of symbols from each type of geometry, saving them in the above mentioned folder.


Once a symbol is created, from the “Symbology select” menu, click on “Save”.

A window will open, allowing you to save the symbols on a specific route, inside the “Symbols” folder.


Name the symbol and click on save. Make sure you have saved the symbol as a .sym file and that when you open another layer of the same type of geometry, the library of symbols which has been saved appears.


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