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gvSIG-Desktop 1.10. User Manual

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2011-09-13 17:10

If you have previously used the connection manager in a previous gvSIG session, the connections will have been preserved. Otherwise, it will be empty:


Click "add" and a window that allows you to enter new connection parameters will show up. Fill the data fields and click "OK". Note: In the drop-down selections of “Driver” select the one that corresponds to "gvSIG SDE driver", as shown in the image.

Once the connection is validated, it brings back the "connection manager" with the new database in the list. If in the connection settings window the "connected" box is left checked, the connection will remain open. Open connections are marked "[C]" before its name.


If you want to disconnect the connection click on "disconnect" at the bottom of the manager. The connection will stop at the time, but the parameters will remain recorded for future connections. If you want to open a connection that is already included in the list for having been previously used, you must select it and click "Connect". It will ask for the password again in a window like in the following figure represents and the connection will be open.


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