gvSIG-Desktop 1.11. User manual
gvSIG's CAD extension can make complex drawings from basic elements, such as lines, circles or polygons.
Features can be duplicated or modified as you wish by using actions such as copying or rotating.
To carry out these tasks, we need to know what type of layer is being edited. Once we know the type of layer, we can see which tasks can be carried out.
When the “Start edition” option is selected, the edition tool bar buttons appear. Only the buttons which can be used in the layer being edited are active. Thus, for example, if a points layer is being edited, the selection, move and point insertion tools are enabled

whilst if, for example, the layer is a line layer, all the tools are enabled except the point insertion tool.

Another tool which appears when an editing session is started is the command console or message and command area, located at the bottom of the graphic area. This tool allows you to input commands via the computer keyboard. These are then carried out in the graphic area.