gvSIG-Desktop 1.11. User manual
You can access this tool by going to the “Map” menu, then to “Graphics” and to “Align”.
This tool can be used to modify the alignment, distribution and size of the map elements selected.
In the layout: If this button is enabled, the tools in the "Align" menu will use the map limits as a reference. If it is disabled, the selection will be used as the reference.
Alignment: The tools in this section allow you to align the selected graphics (place a series of objects on the same axis) according to your needs (left, horizontally centred, right, top, vertically centred and bottom).
Distribution: This allows you to space out objects at equal distances over a specific area. Match size: This allows you to modify the size of a selected object, using another object as a reference. The adjustments are made based on the largest object in the selection.
The object sizes can be made to coincide in width, height or both.
Space: This allows the selected elements to be “spatially distributed”.
If, for example, you decide to spatially distribute two selected elements in the map (using the active "In the layout" button), the objects will be moved to the same distance from the map’s left and right-hand margins when you click on the first option.
If we click on the second button, the images will be moved to the same distance from the top and bottom margins.