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gvSIG-Desktop 1.11. User manual

by Mario Carrera last modified 2013-07-30 16:04

The gvSIG project was born in 2004 within a project that consisted in a full migration of the information technology systems of the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Valencia (Spain), henceforth CIT, to free software. Initially, It was born with some objectives according to CIT needs. These objectives were expanded rapidly because of two reasons principally: on the one hand, the nature of free software, which greatly enables the expansion of technology, knowledge, and lays down the bases on which to establish a community, and, on the other hand, a project vision embodied in some guidelines and a plan appropriate to implement it.

The “Association for the promotion of FOSS4G and the development of gvSIG", gvSIG Association, aims currently the sustainability of gvSIG project. The gvSIG Association is a non-profit organization that includes the main entities who promote the gvSIG project. Around democratic values and values of solidarity of the open source software the gvSIG Association promotes the development of a new business model based on cooperation and shared knowledge, where part of the benefits from these bussines activities will back into the gvSIG project.

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