gvSIG-Desktop 1.11. User manual
Just like when you execute a geoalgorithm from the toolbox, when it generates new raster layers you have to define the extent and cellsize of those layers.
By default, those characteristics are defined based on the input layers. You can toggle this behaviour using the autoextent command.
> autoextent("true"/"false)
If you want to define the output raster characteristics manually or using a supporting layer, you have to use the extent command, which has three different variants.
Usage: extent(raster layer[string]) extent(vector layer[string], cellsize[double]) extent(x min[double], y min[double], x max[double], y max[double], cell size[double]) Type "autoextent" to use automatic extent fitting when possible
When this command is used, the autoextent functionality is automatically deactivated.