gvSIG-Desktop 1.11. User manual
- Vector
- Geoprocessing tools
- Introduction
- Accessing the geoprocesses
- Buffer
- Lateral buffer
- Intersection
- Clipping
- Dissolve
- Split lines
- Merge
- Convex hull
- Difference
- Union
- Spatial join
- 2D Translation
- Reprojection
- Exporting layers
- Introduction
- Exporting a shape
- Exporting to dxf
- Exporting to postgis and Oracle Spatial
- Exporting to gml
- Exporting to kml
- Annotation layer
- Introduction
- Creating an annotation layer
- Editing an annotation layer
- Annotation layer properties
- Adding an annotation layer to the view
- Example of how to create an annotation layer
- Export to a raster layer
- Creating a layer with derived geometries
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