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gvSIG Desktop

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Adjustment of RGB values

It is possible to change the balance between Red, Green and Blue in an image if needed. To do this, move the sliding bar to increase or decrease the values or enter the value directly in the text box next to the sliding bar. Ticking the "Brightness" check box ensures that the brightness level of the pixels will be maintained while the RGB values are changed.


RGB balance filter

Adjustment of CMY values

It is possible to change the balance of Cyan, Magenta and Yellow in an image if needed. To do this, move the sliding bar to increase or decrease the values or enter the value directly in the text box next to the sliding bar. Ticking the "Brightness" check box ensures that the brightness level of the pixels will be maintained while the CMY values are changed.


CMY balance filter

Adjustment of HBS values

It is possible to change the balance of Hue, Brightness and Saturation in an image if needed. To do this, move the sliding bar to increase or decrease the values or enter the value directly in the text box next to the sliding bar.


HBS balance filter

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