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gvSIG-Desktop 1.12. Manual de usuario

by Manuel Madrid last modified 2012-07-30 17:50

The "Raster" section of the "Preferences" dialog contains options for "NoData" values. Here, you can specify whether you want to display the NoData values in the layers that are loaded into gvSIG.

The option "Set NoData value to transparent" does exactly what it announces; for any raster layer that is loaded into gvSIG and has associated NoData values (as defined in its metadata or assigned by the user), the NoData values will not be displayed. For efficiency in displaying images, this option is disabled by default.

Another available option is to change the default NoData value. When in the "Layer Properties" dialog the "Custom" option is selected, the NoData value that will appear is the default NoData value as set in this text box in the "Preferences" dialog.


Raster preferences. Set default NoData value

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