gvSIG-Desktop 1.12. Manual de usuario
Create a view first and open it. The following button will appear automatically in the gvSIG tool bar.
Click on the button. A wizard opens to help you to carry out a search. The parameters to be input are:
- The server address.
- The server protocol, which in the case of the gazetteer can be:
- WFS-G: Toponym search protocol defined by the OGC.
- WFS: Although this protocol was created with a different purpose in mind, it can be used for a toponym search, as long as it has a text attribute in one of the tables. This protocol also allows you to carry out a “Feature” search in any other field, but not necessarily a text attribute.
- ADL: Protocol specified by the Alexandria Digital Library.
- IDEC/SOAP: Protocol that uses the Catalonian Cartographic Institute (ICC) gazetteer web service.
When you have input all the parameters, click on the "Connect" button and wait until the server is found and accepts the specified protocol. If it is accepted, a new window will appear to start the search. If not, an error message will appear.