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gvSIG-Desktop 1.12. Manual de usuario

by Manuel Madrid last modified 2012-07-30 17:50

An ellipse is defined by an axis and the length of the second axis to the centre of the ellipse. There are, as always, three ways of selecting the ellipse drawing tool. To graphically draw an ellipse you can click on the “Ellipse” button in the edition tool bar.


The second option is by going to the “Geometry” menu bar then to “Insert” and “Ellipse”.


To graphically draw an ellipse, indicate the initial and final points of the ellipse’s axis by left clicking on the mouse in the corresponding places. When the initial point has been input an elastic line will be shown which can be used as a reference point to mark the final point of the axis. When it has been set the ellipse projection will be shown until the third point which marks the distance to the other axis is defined.


To draw an ellipse from the command console, write the command "ellipse". When gvSIG requests the initial point of the ellipse axis, indicate the point coordinates. It will then request the final point of the axis and finally the distance to the other axis.

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