gvSIG-Desktop 1.12. Manual de usuario
The main new functionality in Navtable is that you don't need to start the editing mode for a layer if you want to edit it. You should follow these steps to edit the table:
- Make double click on the register you wish to work with (or click on the space bar). Now you are in editing modus and you will be able to modify this record.
- Modify the data by entering a new value
- Click on the "save" button
After that, the new value will be saved. It's important to consider these special cases if you want to save the edition:
- with boolean fields you can only use true or false (the expression is not case sensitive). If you enter another value, the original one will be saved.
- If you try to save a value into a not appropriate field (for example from type „text“ into type „numerical“), the original value will be written.
- If you want to save an empty text, the default value will be saved. But if the field is from type „string“, the record will be saved with an empty value.
With Navtable it is also possible to use options for advanced editing. For example you can copy and paste records. For that you should select the record you want to copy first and click then on the button "copy selected feature" . The data will be modified when you click on the button "save".
Removing records
It is possible to delete the record you are visualizing with Navtable if you click on the button "delete feature" . If this record has an associated geometry feature (graphical element), this one will be also deleted.
Adding records to alphanumerical tables
For tables which aren't associated to a layer, Navtable has this button . If you click on it, after the last one of the table a new record will appear.