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gvSIG-Desktop 1.9. New functionalities

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2010-10-29 14:58

With the increase of image processing functions in the menu of gvSIG, the toolbar had to incorporate these Raster functions by grouping them as pull-down buttons.

As can be seen in the image below, when a view is selected, a control will appear at the right side of the toolbar.


Drop-down buttons for raster functions in the toolbar

The control has two drop-down buttons and a search combobox with the name of the current layer.

The buttons work as follows (see image below):


Raster drop-down button, with two zones (1 and 2)

  1. Clicking in this area will change the visible order of the button.
  2. Clicking the area with the pointing down arrow shows the menu of options.

Groups of raster functions

With the first drop down button you can access a set of grouped functions. For each group of functions, the individual functions within that group will be shown in the second button. Therefore, the functions that are available in the second button depend on the group of functions that is chosen with the first button.


Individual raster functions shown in the second drop-down button

In the image above, the individual functions from the second drop-down are shown while in the first drop-down button the function group "Raster layer" is selected.


Combobox with the name of the current raster layer

The search combobox is used to select one of the layers in the TOC. When clicking on the arrow on the right, all the possible layers are shown.


Search Combo to select a raster layer

You can write text in the combobox to filter the list of images (i.e. write "1x5" to show only layers that have these characters in their name).

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