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gvSIG-Desktop 1.9. New functionalities

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2010-10-29 14:58

To access the ArcSDE database is necessary to download two libraries previously. This requires the following steps:

1. Access to ArcSDE 9.1 General Update Patch 3. []

  1. According to the operating system, continue as follows:

    • For Windows and Macintosh:

    From the section ESRI Products connecting to ArcSDE (Application and Direct Connect connections) access Windows.

    Download the file and unzip it.

    Move files jpe91_sdk.jar and sde91_sdk.jar from the lib folder of the unzipped file to the folder: bingvSIGextensionesorg.gvsig.sdelib, which is in the directory where gvSIG is installed.

    • On Linux:

    From the section ESRI Products connecting to ArcSDE (Application and Direct Connect connections) access Unix.

    Download the file sde91-genpatch3-esri-lx.tar.Z and unzip it.

    Move files jpe91_sdk.jar and jsde91_sdk.jar from the lib folder of the unzipped file to the folder: bingvSIGextensionesorg.gvsig.sdelib, which is in the directory where gvSIG is installed.

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