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gvSIG-Desktop 1.9. New functionalities

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2010-10-29 14:58

Exporting Tables to DBF and Excel

The application allows tables (whether layer attribute tables or separate alphanumeric tables ) to be exported in two formats:

  • 1.Excel: Export data to a new Microsoft Excel file. The data appears on the second row of the first sheet. The first row contains the column names.
  • 2.DBF: Export data to a dBase file.

Follow these steps to export a table:

A. Select the table:

To export a table it must first be opened. The export operations are activated once the table is opened.

To export a subset of the records use the selection tools to select the records to be exported. The records can be selected either from the attribute table or by selecting the corresponding geometries in the View.

B. Select the export option

To do this select the menu option:

For Excel: Table/Export/Excel.

For Dbase: Table/Export/DBF.


Export to Excel


Export to DBF

C. Enter the file name

Locate the directory where you want to create the file and type a name for the file. If the file already exists the application will ask for confirmation to overwrite it.

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