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I cannot create a map. When I try to insert an element, the map disappears. What is happening? (Windows)

by Lucía Martínez last modified 2013-01-31 14:30

Some graphic cards problems have been detected in Windows which causes that interface map becomes impossible-to-use. Specifically, there is a problem related to 2D graphic acceleration so if this kind of acceleration is disabled, the problem disappears.

Since other programs may need this kind of acceleration, the "cleanest" way to desable it, it is doing it at run time over Java Virtual Machine.

Disable the 2d graphic acceleration in gvSIG 1.9/1.10/1.11

Edit gvsig.ini file located in /[gvSIG_installation_folder]/bin and add the following parameter to java call:


For instance:

Original java call line:

command = #JAVA# -Djava.library.path="#GVSIG_INSTALL_PATH#lib" -cp #CLASSPATH# -Xmx500M -Xss1024k com.iver.andami.Launcher gvSIG gvSIG/extensiones #ARGS#

The same line after adding the new parameter:

command = #JAVA# -Djava.library.path="#GVSIG_INSTALL_PATH#lib" -cp #CLASSPATH# -Xmx500M -Xss1024k -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false com.iver.andami.Launcher gvSIG gvSIG/extensiones #ARGS#

Then save changes and restart gvSIG.

Disable the 2d acceleration in gvSIG 1.12/2.x

Edit file gvsig-desktop.l4j.ini located in the gvSIG installation folder.

Find the line: "# -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false".

Delete the first two characteres "# " and keep only the rest "-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false".

Save changes and restart gvSIG.

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