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gvSIG Desktop
gvSIG Desktop

New Features


gvSIG 1.10

  • gvSIG 1.9 bug fixes
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7 compatibility
  • Binaries compilation for JVM 1.6 (with JVM 1.5 compatibility)
  • Sextante 0.6 extension integration (GRASS 6.4 interface included)
  • NavTable extension integration (latest version)
  • Pie and bar chart legend
  • Relative paths support




gvSIG 1.10 (03-11-2010)

No improvements made in this release (from gvSIG 1.10RC2)


gvSIG 1.10 RC2 (18-10-2010)

Unable to up load a png, jpg or bmp image by using "picture marker symbol" properties.


gvSIG 1.10 RC1 (06-10-2010)

Integer table fields are switched to double type
Mapa. Error al exportar un mapa con etiquetado avanzado.
en: Encoding in preferences is not used when creating a new layer. es:El encoding establecido en preferencias no se mantiene para capas nuevas
Saving a project with WMS layers (mainteining layer structure) gives a console and doesn"t save the WMS
Error on KML extent
Exception when loading a gvp with WMS layers without internet access.
gvSIG fails to load 3D polylines with M coordinate
Wrong visualization of the SRS in the status bar.
The version on the About window is 1.9 and should be 1.10.
Wrong behavior of the old version warning advise when starting gvSIG.
Differences on the default enconding
Primera pantalla del instalador siempre en castellano
Support to have several gvSIG with different preferences.
Better labelling (just a little)
Allow andami to add JMenuBar to dialogs.
Persistence error in layer loading order
Add ChartLegend extension in the gvSIG 1.10 package.
GvSIG throws a Java typecast error when saving table edits on integer fields
Make error message translatable
Introduces configurable user settings folder location
Add some robustness to XML project file parsing
Fix browsing for default symbology folder
Unable to export to postgis when a field called gid already exists
PostGIS Driver should be case sensitive
Don't allow user to leave blank the name of a layer to export
Sextante algorithms help documents missing.
DGN files not completely drawn in gvSIG
gvSIG can't load images with signed pixel size
Error al copiar capas en Rutas Relativas
Error Console. Label a layer with space in the name of the field
en: inserting/moving a view into a map, the screen gets gray es: al insertar/mover una vista dentro de un mapa la pantalla se pone gris
Buffer error with point type layer
Persistence error trying to open a gvp saved with gvSIG 1.10_1260

Known problems


gvSIG 1.10 Final (03-11-2010)

Fallo en consultas SQL convierte la condicion where a mayusculas
Simbologia de poligonos con islas. Borde con desplazamiento (offset) no lo cierra bien.
Name collision in icon resources
Symbology. The options inside "Select symbol" of Arrow decoration doesn"t work.
Paso de integer a string anade .0
Support for shape files with M and Z
Map: View scale is wrong when the view coordinates are lat/lon.
Map: gvSIG doesn't respond when you configure a grid with a very little interval in a view.
gvSIG desktop shortcut doesn't work.
Wrong assignment of the field dimensions when creating new string fields in postgis.
The wizzard for creating new layers don't save the content of a text box if the cursor is inside when you click on "Next" button.
Fixes displaced and cut-off labels (advanced labelling, print-out)
Error labelling when the user defined labels (Background Style)
Add better ways to control location of user defined CRS database
Two small code clean-ups for extTopology
Java console when applying a bath process in Sextante in gvSIG 1.10 beta.
Network topology Generating topologically correcting the original layer
Void help dialog in sextante
OS Windows Vista: do not access to images WMS in Windows Vista.
en:wrong line pattern scale es:error en la escala del patron de la linea
en:error changing line width after pattern es:error cambiando espesor de linea luego de patrón
en:symbology selector mistaken order es:selector de simbología asigna propiedades a elemento incorrecto
salida inesperada en GVSIG 1.10 al cargar raster en Vista
en: short string exporting csv to dbf es: cadenas de caracteres cortadas al exportar csv a dbf
en: bizarre image decorated line symbolgy es: representación incorrecta de imágenes en simbolgía de líneas
WMS layers disappear if you select "Mantain layer structure".
The 3d shp incorrectly exported from gvsig to PostGIS
Not possible create or visualize a smallint field type from the Field Manager
Postgis tools doesn't works on ubuntu 9.10 OS
The option "buffer defined by field" doesn't work
No translation for displayed error when it's leaved in blank the name of the layer to export
Save a project with a coverage added from catalog tool produces an error
WFS can not connect when the SRS starts with "urn:ogc:def:crs:"
java.lang.NullPointerException for polynomial transformation in georeferencer
Labels rotated according to the lines direction by default
Some raster properties don't persist when a project from 1.9 version is opened, saved and reopened with 1.10 version
Persistence error, reopening a project saved with fails connection to arcIMS
Marcar como versión "RC1" el próximo build.
Cambiar ficheros LEEME.TXT y README.TXT que se distribuyen con gvSIG.
unable to up load a png, jpg or bmp image by using "picture marker symbol" properties.
Background Color button doesn't refresh once the color is changed
Selection by Layer doesn't work with the option "disjoint as"
Console of error on Quick Print tool If "force scale" textbox is empty.
Legend problem when the field chosen for the symbol is a string but the values represent numbers
Console of error due to there is not permission to write tables.
console error, when selecting some measuring units in map properties
Thread always running
libz version is very old
Missing undo / redo buttons
Upload english language updates to SVN
Uninstaller delete default symbols and labeling styles from gvSIG user directory.


gvSIG 1.10 RC2 (18-10-2010)

Fallo en consultas SQL convierte la condicion where a mayusculas
Simbologia de poligonos con islas. Borde con desplazamiento (offset) no lo cierra bien.
Name collision in icon resources
Symbology. The options inside "Select symbol" of Arrow decoration doesn"t work.
Paso de integer a string anade .0
Support for shape files with M and Z
Map: View scale is wrong when the view coordinates are lat/lon.
Map: gvSIG doesn't respond when you configure a grid with a very little interval in a view.
gvSIG desktop shortcut doesn't work.
Wrong assignment of the field dimensions when creating new string fields in postgis.
The wizzard for creating new layers don't save the content of a text box if the cursor is inside when you click on "Next" button.
Fixes displaced and cut-off labels (advanced labelling, print-out)
Error labelling when the user defined labels (Background Style)
Add better ways to control location of user defined CRS database
Two small code clean-ups for extTopology
Java console when applying a bath process in Sextante in gvSIG 1.10 beta.
Network topology Generating topologically correcting the original layer
Void help dialog in sextante
OS Windows Vista: do not access to images WMS in Windows Vista.
en:wrong line pattern scale es:error en la escala del patron de la linea
en:error changing line width after pattern es:error cambiando espesor de linea luego de patrón
en:symbology selector mistaken order es:selector de simbología asigna propiedades a elemento incorrecto
salida inesperada en GVSIG 1.10 al cargar raster en Vista
en: short string exporting csv to dbf es: cadenas de caracteres cortadas al exportar csv a dbf
en: bizarre image decorated line symbolgy es: representación incorrecta de imágenes en simbolgía de líneas
WMS layers disappear if you select "Mantain layer structure".
The 3d shp incorrectly exported from gvsig to PostGIS
Not possible create or visualize a smallint field type from the Field Manager
Postgis tools doesn't works on ubuntu 9.10 OS
The option "buffer defined by field" doesn't work
No translation for displayed error when it's leaved in blank the name of the layer to export
Save a project with a coverage added from catalog tool produces an error
WFS can not connect when the SRS starts with "urn:ogc:def:crs:"
java.lang.NullPointerException for polynomial transformation in georeferencer
Labels rotated according to the lines direction by default
Some raster properties don't persist when a project from 1.9 version is opened, saved and reopened with 1.10 version
Persistence error, reopening a project saved with fails connection to arcIMS
Marcar como versión "RC1" el próximo build.
Cambiar ficheros LEEME.TXT y README.TXT que se distribuyen con gvSIG.
Background Color button doesn't refresh once the color is changed
Selection by Layer doesn't work with the option "disjoint as"
Console of error on Quick Print tool If "force scale" textbox is empty.
Legend problem when the field chosen for the symbol is a string but the values represent numbers
Console of error due to there is not permission to write tables.
Console error, when selecting some measuring units in map properties


gvSIG 1.10 RC1 (06-10-2010)

The 3d shp incorrectly exported from gvsig to PostGIS
Not possible create or visualize a smallint field type from the Field Manager
Postgis tools doesn't works on ubuntu 9.10 OS
The option "buffer defined by field" doesn't work
No translation for displayed error when it's leaved in blank the name of the layer to export
Save a project with a coverage added from catalog tool produces an error
WFS can not connect when the SRS starts with "urn:ogc:def:crs:"
java.lang.NullPointerException for polynomial transformation in georeferencer
Labels rotated according to the lines direction by default
Some raster properties don't persist when a project from 1.9 version is opened, saved and reopened with 1.10 version
Persistence error, reopening a project saved with fails connection to arcIMS
unable to up load a png, jpg or bmp image by using "picture marker symbol" properties.
Fallo en consultas SQL convierte la condicion where a mayusculas
Simbologia de poligonos con islas. Borde con desplazamiento (offset) no lo cierra bien.
Name collision in icon resources
Paso de integer a string anade .0
Support for shape files with M and Z
Map: View scale is wrong when the view coordinates are lat/lon.
Map: gvSIG doesn't respond when you configure a grid with a very little interval in a view.
gvSIG desktop shortcut doesn't work.
Wrong assignment of the field dimensions when creating new string fields in postgis.
The wizzard for creating new layers don't save the content of a text box if the cursor is inside when you click on "Next" button.
Fixes displaced and cut-off labels (advanced labelling, print-out)
Error labelling when the user defined labels (Background Style)
Add better ways to control location of user defined CRS database
Two small code clean-ups for extTopology
Java console when applying a bath process in Sextante in gvSIG 1.10 beta.
Network topology Generating topologically correcting the original layer
Void help dialog in sextante
OS Windows Vista: do not access to images WMS in Windows Vista.
en:wrong line pattern scale es:error en la escala del patron de la linea
en:error changing line width after pattern es:error cambiando espesor de linea luego de patrón
en:symbology selector mistaken order es:selector de simbología asigna propiedades a elemento incorrecto
salida inesperada en GVSIG 1.10 al cargar raster en Vista
en: short string exporting csv to dbf es: cadenas de caracteres cortadas al exportar csv a dbf
en: bizarre image decorated line symbolgy es: representación incorrecta de imágenes en simbolgía de líneas
WMS layers disappear if you select "Mantain layer structure".


Other notes


Important note for gvSIG 1.9 users

The following error has been detected within the gvSIG 1.9 uninstaller: it deletes the default symbols and labeling styles from the user directory, so those projects (.gvp files) that uses some of this symbols or styles don’t load properly anymore with any other gvSIG installation (e.g. gvSIG 1.10).

To solve this we recommend to uninstall and install again gvSIG 1.10.

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