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gvSIG Desktop
gvSIG Desktop


Version 1.12


  • Download the right installation package from the downloads table (depending on the operating system).
  • Execute the .exe/.bin file.
  • Select the Java Virtual Machine to use. If it doesn't exist a compatible one it will be automatically installed. WARNING: in case you don't have Internet connection when installing it is required to intall a Java Virtual Machine 1.6 previously (Download: Linux / Windows).
  • Select the installation folder. Then it will be installed gvSIG base.
  • Choose between the following options:
    • Typical installation
    • Custom installation: user decides which add-ons will be installed.

Once the installation is finished, run the program by doing one of the following actions:

  • From the Desktop shortcut.
  • From the Start/Programs menu.
  • From the command line:
    • Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time).
    • Type:
      • In Windows: "gvSIG".
      • In Linux: "./".

gvSIG default language is the Operative System language provided it is supported in this version. Otherwise, English language will be used. 

There are two ways to change the language:

  1. From the Window menu, select Preferences then go to General/Language panel and select the language you wish. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
  2. From the command-line or the console



  • To uninstall gvSIG, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.


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