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gvSIG Desktop

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by Joaquin Jose del Cerro Murciano last modified 2012-09-18 17:58
.. list-table:: 
   :widths: 20, 30, 20, 10
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Package
     - Feature
     - Comment
     - gvSIG ver.

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Consult About 
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_
   * - Application gvSIG
     - Consult and editing Preferences (General, Language, Editing, Map, ...) , 
     - 2.0.0
   * - Application gvSIG
     - Project management (New, save, open,...), 
     - 2.0.0
   * - Application gvSIG
     - Project manager (create, delete, copy, paste... documents), 
     - 2.0.0 [Partially]_
   * - Application gvSIG
     - View. Add shape layers, 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - View general layer properties, 
     - 2.0.0
   * - Application gvSIG
     - View. Navigation tools (zoom+, zoom-, zoom to selection, pan, zoom manager, ...), 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - View. Selection tools (by point, by polygon, by circle, by polyline, by buffer, by layer, clear selection, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - View. Info tools (by point, measure perimeter, measure area, ...)
     - 2.0.0
   * - Application gvSIG
     - View. Export view to image
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Adding geometry types (2D and 3D) point and multipoint, line and multiline, polygon and multipolygon, collections. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Export framework
     - View. Export to vectorial format
     - 2.0.0
   * - 
     - Project backup
     - 1.12.0
   * - 
     - View. Quickinfo
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - View. Quickprint
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - View. Layer loading order
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - View. Permite cambiar las unidades de las coordenadas de la vista
     - 1.12.0

   * - Document: Table
     - Table. Management (show table, copy, cut, paste, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Table
     - Table. Link atribute tables, remove link
     - 2.0.0
   * - Document: Table
     - Table. Move selection to top
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Table
     - Table. Editing (add row, delete row, editing attributes, manage fields, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Table
     - Table. Filtering
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Table
     - Table. Alphanumerical editing (add / remove / modify records, fields management, etc.)
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - Table. Printing
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Table. Import
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Table. Export
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Table. Sumarize
     - 1.12.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Add views to the map (view framework)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Edit properties to the view framework (active link, scale, quality, grid, rotation, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Insert locator to the map (quality and rotation, edit properties)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Insert legend to a framework view (select which layer's legend to add, select font, rotation)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Simplify framework legend
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Insert scale to the map
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Insert North symbol to the map (selection of symbol)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Insert grid table
     - 2.0.0
   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Navigation tools on the map (zooms, pan, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Navigation tools on the view frameworks. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Insert, editing and clear elements (images, lines, polygons, texts, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Manage elements inserted (move, select, group, ungroup, placement, align, graphic line, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Prepare page for printing (sheet size, orientation, margins. ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Print settings
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Print to file (.pdf and .ps format)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Document: Layout
     - Layout. Add grid to the layout
     - 2.0.0

   * - Add a document table to the map
     - Layout. Add a document table to the layout
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - 
     - Load icons sized 16x16
     - 1.12.0 [Deprecated]_
   * - 
     - Load icons sized 22x22
     - 1.12.0 [Deprecated]_

   * - CRS management
     - Set the reference system (CRS) by default, in views, in layers (CRS on the fly). 
     - 2.0.0

   * - CRS management
     - Selection from recent CRS, from EPSG, ESRI, IAU2000 data bases and user's defined CRS. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - CRS management
     - Create, edit and delete new CRS defined by the user (from an existing CRS, from a wkt string, or from scratch). 
     - 2.0.0

   * - CRS management
     - Consult CRS information (datum, projection, proj4 string...)
     - 2.0.0
   * - CRS management
     - Convertion of coordinates (no datum changing)
     - 2.0.0

   * - CRS management
     - Transformation of coordinates (datum  changing) from EPSG, manual, recent, compound and grid (.gsb extension)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Raster base support
     - Basic support for load raster layers
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_
   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Basic statistics
     - 2.0.0
   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Histogram
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Filters
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Raster properties (scale range, linear enhance, nodata value, opacity, transparency)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Define area of interest (ROIs)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Set the colour table (raster symbology)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Create overviews
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Open analysis view
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Radiometric enhance
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - Vectorization
     - 1.12.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Geolocalization
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster reprojection support
     - Reproject raster layers.
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Export raster file (clipping, save as ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Export view as raster file
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Create .rmf (raster meta file)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Select raster layer
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Raster tools
     - Pixel zoom / increase
     - 2.0.0

   * - Raster base support
     - Support for tiled rasters
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - 
     - Georeferencing (with o without reference cartography, afin transformation or polynomial ones)
     - 1.12.0

   * - Database connectors
     - Connection manager to spatial databases (various simultaneous connections)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Database connectors
     - Manage connection settings (Add, Remove, Connect, Edit, ...)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Database connectors
     - Access spatial databases (filtering by table, fields, SQL restriction, restrictions by area).
     - 2.0.0

   * - Transforms framework
     - Frame which provide access to the different transformations like join, event theme, ...
     - Think about a more intuitive name.
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Transformation: Join
     - Allow join 2 tables by a common field and removing join. 
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Transformation: Event theme
     - Add an event theme layer to the view by selecting 2 fields from a table.
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Formats: WCS support
     - Access to OGC's WCS layers (viewing information, selecting coverage, format, interpolation and crs, time and bands)
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Formats: WCS support
     - Access to WCS layer's properties. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: WMS support
     - Access to OGC's WMS layers (viewing information, selecting layer, styles and dimensions, format and crs)
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_
   * - Formats: WMS support
     - Access to WMS layer's properties. 
     - 2.0.0
   * - Formats: WMS support
     - Import Web Map Context documents. 
     - 2.0.0
   * - Formats: WMS support
     - Export Web Map Context documents.
     - 2.0.0
   * - Formats: WFS support
     - Access to OGC's WFS layers (viewing information, selecting layer and fields, setting max. features and timeout, table and area filetring)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: WFS support
     - Access to WFS layer's properties.
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: GML/KML file format support
     - Provide access to GML and KML formats. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: DWG file format support
     - Provide read feature for dwg format. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Export to annotation
     - Create anotation layer
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Modify annotation layer (throught standard editing)
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - 
     - Editing single labelling (position and label settings) 
     - 1.12.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Legend of intervals
     - 2.0.0
   * - Application gvSIG
     - Legend of unique values
     - 2.0.0
   * - Application gvSIG
     - Legend of unique symbol
     - 2.0.0
   * - Application gvSIG
     - Point symbol of simple marker
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Simple line symbol
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Simple symbol for polygon fill
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - Legend of point density (exclusive for polygons)
     - 1.12.0
   * - 
     - Legend of graduated symbols
     - 1.12.0
   * - 
     - Legend of proportional symbols
     - 1.12.0
   * - 
     - Legend of expressions
     - 1.12.0
   * - 
     - Legend of quantities by category (exclusive polygons)
     - 1.12.0
   * - 
     - Point symbol of character marker
     - 1.12.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Point symbol of picture marker
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Picture line symbol
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - Marker line symbol
     - 1.12.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Picture symbol for polygon fill
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - Marker symbol for polygon fill
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - Line symbol for polygon fill
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Gradient symbol for polygon fill
     - 1.12.0
   * - Web Catalog Service support
     - Web Catalog Service client (geodata search)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Gazetteer Service client
     - Web Gazetteer Service client (geographic names locating)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Center view to point
     - Center view to point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Locator by attribute
     - Locator by atribute
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Insert drawing elements (point, line, polyline, polygon, etc.)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Insert geometric elements (circle, rectangle, ellipse, etc.)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Copy / move / rotate / scale graphic elements.
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Vertex editing
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Complex sellection (based on different geometric criteria)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Undo / redo
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - undo / redo history
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. final point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. nearest point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. pixel point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. central point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. quadrant point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. intersection point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. medium point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. perpendicular point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Geometry editing
     - Snapping. tangent point
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Field calculator
     - Field calculator (Expression from assistant or from text file)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Internationalization support
     - Interface translation management (import /export languages)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Scripting framework
     - Support for script execution
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Scripting framework
     - Support for script creation
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Add-ons manager
     - Addons manager
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Add-ons manager
     - Support for install plugins
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Add-ons manager
     - Wizard for packing plugins of gvSIG
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Development project wizard
     - Wizard for creating java projects that manage plugins of gvSIG
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Geoprocess: base support
     - Geoprocess framework
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: sextante algorithms
     - Support for Sextante geoprocess framework
     - 2.0.0

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Clip 
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Convexhull
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Difference
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Dissolve
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Intersecction
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Merge
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Spatialjoin
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Union
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - Reproject
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses
     - xyshift
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - 
     - Geometry with M support

   * - Tools: Import picture marker symbols [1]_
     - Import symbols
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Tools: Symbols installer [1]_
     - Export symbols as packages
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Tools: Hyperlink
     - View. Hyperlink support
     - 2.0.0
   * - Normalization plugin
     - Normalizacion
     - 2.0.0

   * - Tools: Time filter on a view
     - Support for time filter in the View
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Metadata management
     - Metadata management support
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Metadata iso 19139 and NEM plugin
     - Metadata export support for iso 19139 and NEM
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - [1]_
     - Geocodificacion
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - Network analysis
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Publish
     - 1.1.2

   * - 
     - Animation framework
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Animation 2D document
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Animation 3D document
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - 3D
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Remote sensing
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Topology
     - 1.12.0

   * - 
     - Chart Document.
     - 2.0.0 [Working]_

   * - 
     - Chart Legend.
     - 2.0.0 [Working]_

.. [New] This functionallity is new in gvSIG 2.0.0

.. [Updated] This functionallity is Updated in gvSIG 2.0.0

.. [Deprecated] This functionallity is discontinued in gvSIG 2.0.0

.. [Partially] Partially implemented functionality

.. [Working] developong functionallity for gvSIG 2.0.0

.. [1] Hay que repasar los nombres de los paquetes.

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