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Supported data formats and services

by Joaquin Jose del Cerro Murciano last modified 2012-09-20 18:07
.. list-table::
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Package
     - Source
     - Type
     - Name
     - Geom type
     - Read
     - Write
     - Format ver.
     - Notes
     - gvSIG ver.

   * - Application gvSIG
     - File
     - Alfa
     - DBF
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * -
     - File
     - Alfa
     - CVS
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 1.12.0

   * - Formats: Ecw file format support
     - File
     - Raster
     - ECW
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: MrSID file format support
     - File
     - Raster
     - MrSID
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - IMG
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - Erdas
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - GIF
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - TIFF
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - JPEG
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0
   * - Formats: Ecw file format support
     - File
     - Raster
     - JP2
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - PNG
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - ASC
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - RAW
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - PPM
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - PNM files in RGB
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - MPL
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - Ilwis
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - BMP
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - DAT
     - Yes
     - No
     - Envi
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - LAN
     - Yes
     - No
     - Erdas
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - GIS
     - Yes
     - No
     - Erdas
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - PIX
     - Yes
     - No
     - PCI Geomatics
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - AUX
     - Yes
     - No
     - PCI Geomatics
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - ADF
     - Yes
     - No
     - ESRI Grids
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - RST
     - Yes
     - No
     - IDRISIS
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - KAP
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - ERS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - PGM
     - Yes
     - No
     - PNM files in grey scale
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: Gdal file formats support
     - File
     - Raster
     - RMF
     - Yes
     - No
     - Raster Matrix Format
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: NETCDF raster format support
     - File
     - Raster
     - NetCDF
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Application gvSIG
     - File
     - Vector
     - SHP
     - 2D
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Application gvSIG
     - File
     - Vector
     - SHP
     - 3D
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0 [Updated]_

   * - Application gvSIG
     - File
     - Vector
     - SHP
     - 2D-M
     - 1.12.0

   * - Formats: GML/KML file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - GML
     - Yes
     - No
     - 3.1.2 (SFP-2)
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: GML/KML file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - GML
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.1.2
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: GML/KML file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - KML
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.1
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: GML/KML file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - KML
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.2
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - File
     - Vector
     - KMZ

   * -
     - File
     - Vector
     - CityGML

   * - Application gvSIG
     - File
     - Vector
     - DXF
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: DWG file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - DWG
     - Yes
     - No
     - v12
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: DWG file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - DWG
     - Yes
     - No
     - v13
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: DWG file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - DWG
     - Yes
     - No
     - v14
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: DWG file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - DWG
     - Yes
     - No
     - v15
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: DWG file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - DWG
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2004
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: DWG file format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - DGN
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: NetCDF vectorial format support
     - File
     - Vector
     - NetCDF
     - Yes
     - No
     - 1.0
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Metadata iso 19139 and NEM plugin
     - File
     - Metadata
     - ISO19139
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Metadata iso 19139 and NEM plugin
     - File
     - Metadata
     - NEM
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Formats: WMS support
     - File
     - WMC
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - Web Map Context
     - 2.0.0

   * -
     - File
     - SLD
     - 1.1.0

   * - Formats: WFS support
     - Remote service
     - Vector
     - WFS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 1.0.0
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: WFS support
     - Remote service
     - Vector
     - WFS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 1.1.0
     - 2.0.0

   * -
     - Remote service
     - Vector
     - WFS-T
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 1.0.0
     - 1.1.2 (prototipe)

   * - Formats: WMS support
     - Remote service
     - Raster
     - WMS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 1.1.0
     - Not sure
     - 2.0.0
   * - Formats: WMS support
     - Remote service
     - Raster
     - WMS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 1.1.1
     - Layer tree and visualization
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: WMS support
     - Remote service
     - Raster
     - WMS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 1.3.0
     - Only layer tree
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: WMTS support
     - Remote service
     - Raster
     - WMTS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0 [New]_

   * - Web Catalog Service support
     - Remote service
     - Catalog
     - CS-W 
     - Yes
     - 0.9.0
     - Profiles ebRIM and ISO 19115/19139. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Catalog Service support
     - Remote service
     - Catalog
     - CS-W 
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0
     - Profiles ebRIM and ISO 19115/19139. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Catalog Service support
     - Remote service
     - Catalog
     - CS-W 
     - Yes
     - 2.0.1 
     - Profiles ebRIM and ISO 19115/19139. 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Catalog Service support
     - Remote service
     - Catalog
     - CS-W 
     - 2.0.2
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Catalog Service support
     - Remote service
     - Catalog
     - Z39.50 
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Catalog Service support
     - Remote service
     - Catalog
     - SRW
     - Yes
     - z39.50 in web
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Gazetteer Service client
     - Remote service
     - Gazetteer
     - GAZ/WFS-G 
     - Yes
     - 0.9.0
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Gazetteer Service client
     - Remote service
     - Gazetteer
     - GAZ/WFS-G 
     - Yes
     - 0.9.1 
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Gazetteer Service client
     - Remote service
     - Gazetteer
     - ADL 
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Web Gazetteer Service client
     - Remote service
     - Gazetteer
     - Geonames  
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - Remote service
     - Sensor
     - SOS 
     - Yes
     - 1.0.0
     - Sensor Observation Service
     - 2.0.0 [Working]_

   * -
     - Remote service
     - Sensor
     - O&M
     - Yes
     - 1.0.0
     - Observations and Measurements
     - 2.0.0 [Working]_

   * -
     - Remote service
     - Sensor
     - SensorML
     - Yes
     - 1.0
     - 2.0.0 [Working]_

   * - 
     - Remote service
     - Vector
     - ArcIMS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 2.0.0 [Working]_

   * - Formats: WCS support
     - Remote service
     - Raster
     - WCS
     - Yes
     - No
     - 1.0.0
     - 2.0.0

   * - Formats: WCS support
     - Remote service
     - Raster
     - WCS
     - 1.1.0
     - 2.0.0

   * - Database connectors
     - DDBB
     - Vector
     - PostgreSQL
     - 2D
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Database connectors
     - DDBB
     - Vector
     - PostgreSQL
     - 3D

   * - Database connectors
     - DDBB
     - Vector
     - PostgreSQL
     - 2D-M

   * - Formats: PostGIS raster format support
     - DDBB
     - Raster
     - PostGIS raster
     - Yes
     - Requires PostGIS >= 2.0 installed in the server to work.
     - 2.0.0

   * - Database connectors
     - DDBB
     - Vector
     - MySQL
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - Oracle Spatial/Locator connector
     - DDBB
     - Vector
     - Oracle Spatial/Locator
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - >=9i
     - Requires manual installation of the Oracle proprietary libraries in gvSIG to work.

       Requires "Oracle Locator" in the server to work.
     - 2.0.0

   * - Database connectors
     - DDBB
     - Alfa
     - H2
     - Yes
     - Yes
   * -
     - DDBB
     - Vector
     - H2+HatBox
     - Yes
     - Yes
   * - Database connectors
     - DDBB
     - Alfa
     - Generic JDBC
     - Yes
     - Yes
     - 2.0.0

   * - 
     - DDBB
     - Vector
     - ArcSDE
     - Requires manual installation of the ArcSDE proprietary libraries to work.
.. [New] This format is new in gvSIG 2.0.0

.. [Updated] This format is Updated in gvSIG 2.0.0

.. [Deprecated] This format is discontinued in gvSIG 2.0.0

.. [Partially] Partially implemented format

.. [Working] developing format for gvSIG 2.0.0

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