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.. warning:: **FIXME**. Direct google translation.

:version: 1.2


This document specifies the procedure to add
a new package to the package repository of gvSIG project
whether a package is hosted on servers
project or not.


This document does not cover:

- What must a for inclusion in the
  *Distribution gvSIG enforcement officer*. Package
  supplied will be included in the web repository of packages
  gvSIG it need not be distributed with the binaries
  the official release.

- What must a to be considered a project
  gvSIG official. You can find documentation on the
  document `gvSIG official projects`_

- Modifications or contributions to existing code in gvSIG.

  If you want to contribute code to an existing project in gvSIG see
  `Contributions and patches to the gvSIG code`_.

- Como solicitar al proyecto que albergue nuestro paquete. 
  El responsable y creador del paquete deberá alojarlo en un servidor
  publico con acceso a el por http, entregando al proyecto solo
  el archivo *gvspki* con los metadatos del paquete.


To add a package to the package repository of gvSIG must
create the installation package and deliver the file *". gvspki"* generated.
You can find documentation on how to build the package for a gvSIG plugin
in the document `Generación desde el plugin de instalación`_ .
Ask on the development list if you have doubts.

The package must be met:

* To be released under GPL 2 or compatible license.

* You can not replace files out of plugin folder
  being installed. If it is necessary to be communicated and
  assess this need.
* Information should be provided on the code and version

* You must provide the name and description of the package in English.

* You must provide the name of the owner.

* You must supply the URL that allows access to the source
  from which it was generated.
* They must be correctly filled all the packet data
  ** the file.

* It will be advisable to follow the package name nomenclature
  generated by the plugin package tool provided in
  gvSIG facilities. If not, be justified.

In addition to these requirements is highly recommended:

- The existence of associated user documentation for functionality
  provided by the package. This documentation must be freed with
  `Creative Commons`_ .

- That there is a tracker to report bugs in the creators of this.

Expclusion a package repository

This section describes why a package may not be included
in the package repository gvSIG or eliminated if already formed
part of it.

- Update the contents of a package without increasing the number of
  version or build.

  Each time you change the plugin, you must generate a new package reflecting
  that at least the increasing number of build, sending back to the project
  *gvspki* the file. If detected from the project has changed the package
  keeping the same version number and build, will retire on package

- If from the gvSIG team are consulted through
  the comments to the ticket which apply for registration packet
  that are not answered, you can remove the package from the repository
  or not enter the if you have not been done.
- If it is found that the use of the functionality provided by the package can
  cause loss of data by the user of these, this may
  be removed from the package repository.

How to start the paperwork

If you have already created the installation package associated with their
plugin (. gvspkg and. gvspki) may request inclusion in the repository
gvSIG package by the trac ticket `Addons repository requests`_ .
To this should be registered as a user of the gvSIG_platform_.

You must add the fields filled out a ticket:

* **Add-on** name must indicate the name of the package on which want to make the request.

* **Add-on code**. In case it is a new packet and not in a list of packages *add-on name*, you must indicate here Package code to add.

* **Add-on operation requested**. You must indicate the type of operation that applying.
* **Subject** short description of what you want done.

* **Description**. Indicate here the url to the file *gvspki* of your package. You enter the information that it considers may be of interest to facilitate the acceptance of the package, as well as inclusion in the package repository.

Make sure the download-url entry package that provides
is correct and accessible from the internet, otherwise the package may not be included in
the package repository gvSIG.

Do not assign the ticket to anyone and leave the other fields with the values
defects have a ticket.

Note that since the project if you have questions about
has made the request was answered on the same ticket by adding

.. _GPL v2:
.. _`Creative Commons` :
.. _`gvSIG official projects`: /web/reference_catalog/lookupObject?uuid=43a9b56065ffbc2aaba6ce4334180fe8
.. _`Contributions and patches to the gvSIG code`: /web/reference_catalog/lookupObject?uuid=62b2c3ea1723d437c981ec6ded9517a6
.. _`Generación desde el plugin de instalación` : /web/reference_catalog/lookupObject?uuid=6690cff8e74bb413aacbacd089f9a81b
.. _`Addons repository requests` :[tracker_id]=8
.. _gvSIG_platform :

.. list-table:: ChangeLog
   :Header-rows: 1

   * - Version
     - Description

   * - 1.1
     - Changes in the section "How to start the paperwork* to adapt to the new infrastructure of gvSIG (redmine).
   * - 1.2
     - Changes in the section "How to start the paperwork*, has changed the way the file is provided as gvspki, be attached to the ticket to put your url in the description.

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