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Interpreting the gvSIG version number

by Frank Sokolic last modified 2010-11-12 13:43

The gvSIG version number consists of four numbers:

  • Major number. This is increased more for strategic than for technical reasons.
  • Minor number. This number is increased when a new distribution adds new features when compared to the previous version.
  • Revision number. This increases when a distribution is created that does not add new features, or they are irrelevant, when compared to the previous version. This distribution is normally for bug fixes.
  • Build number. This increases each time a distribution is built, whether it is a public distribution or an internal build made for testing purposes.


Note: The adaptation of a plugin to a higher version of gvSIG must always include an increase in the plugin version number, either in the major, minor or revision number.

There should never be two distributions emerging from different sources with the same version number, even if only for internal use. Users should always be able to identify exactly which version they are working with as this is extremely important when reporting bugs.

Use the following format to indicate the version number to users:

<Major-number>.<Minor-number>.<revision-number> build <build-number>

Underscores, "_", can be used instead of points, but never dispense with one or the other to separate the different numbers that make up the version number.

  • 1.2.0 build 3

Don't ever use:

  • 120 build 3
  • 12 build 3

These incorrect formats might lead to confusion when future versions are released.

change log
version description

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