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Project Dependencies

by Frank Sokolic last modified 2011-01-26 15:30
Version: 1.1

To specify the dependencies of your project you have to complete the template that exists for that purpose in ReST format.

For the template you have to use the document source code. This can be accessed from the icon at the bottom of the template (more information on how to access document sources can be found here).

If maven is being used as a build tool then the dependency report generated for the project site can be submitted, rather than following the format specified in the template.

The template describes the dependencies the project has at compile time, execution and implementation of tests, as well as transitive dependencies and where to find the libraries that are not already part of gvSIG.

To clarify, libraries that are part of gvSIG should be distinguished from those that are not. Libraries that are part of gvSIG are those that have been built from sources within any of the gvSIG projects. Libraries of other projects, whether used in any gvSIG project or not, are not considered part of gvSIG for the purposes of this template.

The following sections can be found in the template:

  • Project Dependencies

    When specifying dependencies, these should be dependencies on other libraries. This includes both libraries that are already part of gvSIG, as well as new libraries that the project needs.

    Other projects in the eclipse workspace should not be indicated as dependencies. If this does occur, an indication must be given of how to compile the library dependencies generated by these projects.

    • Compile

      This is where the compile-time dependencies of the project are specified.

    • Runtime

      The runtime dependencies of the project are specified here.

    • Test

      Here the project dependencies for executing the project tests are specified.

    For gvSIG projects prior to version 2.0.0, and for those that don't use maven as a build mechanism, if you are not sure which libraries are required then this should be indicated in all three sections. However, whenever the libraries are known they should be correctly specified.

    • Dependency Tree

      In this section the relationships between the various libraries in the project are specified. This is a view, in the form of a tree, of the each of the transitive dependencies in the project.

      For the dependencies on libraries that are already part of gvSIG it is not necessary to specify their transitive dependencies, as is mandatory for all other libraries in the project.

    • Licenses

      In this section list the different licences of libraries that are used by the project but which are not part of gvSIG.

      We will have an entry for this licence, and the various libraries that ship with it.

      Don't include libraries that already form part of gvSIG.

      If there are libraries for which the licence is not known, list the licence entry as unknown, bearing in mind that this might result in the project not being accepted as an official gvSIG project.

    • Dependency Repository Locations

      In this section indicate the location of the official repository of those libraries that are not of gvSIG. This is the location from where the version of the library used by the project can be downloaded.

      If maven is being used as a development tool, indicate one of the official maven repositories from which the library can be downloaded.

Change log
version description
1.1 Modified of the wording of the paragraph describing how to obtain the template

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