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The logic part of our development is divided into two projects:

- org.gvsig.viewer.lib.api

- org.gvsig.viewer.lib.impl

In the API project we find mostly interfaces. These interfaces make up the API of the logic components to be developed. The class model of the example is shown in the following diagram:

.. figure:: ../data/org.gvsig.visor.api.png
   :align: center

   Model if the API classes
We have the following entities:

- **VisorLibrary**, which represents the object *Library*. In this note class methods:

  - *doRegistration*, which runs to load the library and tells what kind of library
    is, in our case the definition of an API as well as what other libraries are required
    initialized before this, the library of data access, and geometry. The code
    doing this is:

    .. code-block:: java

      public void doRegistration() {
        this.registerAs(VisorLibrary.class, Library.TYPE.API);

  - *doPostInitialize*, which is executed when all bookstores have been initialized.
    In our case checks to verify that at least one implementation
    API has been registered. The code that does this is:
    .. code-block:: java

      protected void doPostInitialize() throws LibraryException {
        // Validate if there are any implementation registered.
        VisorManager manager = VisorLocator.getManager();
        if (manager == null) {
            throw new ReferenceNotRegisteredException(
                VisorLocator.MANAGER_NAME, VisorLocator.getInstance()

  .. note ALL: Comment something about the reference to META-INF/services

- **VisorLocator**, is the *locator* of our library, responsible for
  give us the instance of our manager. This is a class with methods
  static to register implementations of this API and an implementation

- **VisorManager**. A interface. The manager of the bookstore. Defines methods to obtain the
  blocks and plots as well as locating an apple given a point. It is the
  entrance to the various entities in our model.

- **VisorBlock** An interface that represents a block, and provides methods for geometry
  that defines the block or for the parcels are.
- **VisorProperty**. An interface that represents a cadastral parcel. It has methods for
  geometry that defines it, your code or municipality.

Let's see what we are in the implementation part. Observe that
while in the normal API interfaces has been found in the implementation
we find classes. Classes that implement the various interfaces that
defined in the API. By convention, the implementation of the various interfaces
that appear in the API will call the API like prepending the prefix *Default*.

The class model of implementation for our example is:

.. figure:: ../data/org.gvsig.visor.impl.png
   :align: center

   Model implementation classes
Let us see the most relevant parts of the implementation.

- **VisorDefaultImplLibrary**. As in the API, this class is responsible for
  initialize the library implementation. In this note class methods:
  - *doRegistration*, which is responsible for registering the library as an implementation
    *API*. VisorLibrary Should you have other dependencies other than those marked on the
    API, would be added here to make sure these libraries are initialized before
    this, but it is the case of our example. When you register this library as
    an implementation of *VisorLibrary*, cover two functions. On one side the library
    API will always initialized before this implementation, and secondly
    when some other library dependencies with the API set, the initialization mechanism
    library is responsible for initializing the implementation along with the API
    ensure you have an implementation of the API that we required.
    The code you need to put in our example is:

    .. code-block:: java

      public void doRegistration() {

  - *doInitialize*, que se encarga de registrar en el locator del API la implementación
    del manager que tenemos en esta librería. El código que hace esto es:  

    .. code-block:: java

      protected void doInitialize() throws LibraryException {

- **DefaultVisorManager**. De esta clase conviene resaltar principalmente:

  - El método *getBlock*. Podemos ver cómo realizar una busqueda de un registro
    filtrando por una condición espacial:  

    .. code-block:: java

      try {
        String attrGeomName = blocks.getDefaultFeatureType().getDefaultGeometryAttributeName();
        FeatureQuery query = blocks.createFeatureQuery();
        query.setFilter( new IntersectsEvaluator(attrGeomName,point) );
        set = blocks.getFeatureSet(query);
        if( set.isEmpty() ) {
          return null;
        it = set.fastiterator();
        Feature f = (Feature);
        VisorBlock block = new DefaultVisorBlock(this,f.getGeometry(attrGeomName));
        return block; 
      } catch (DataException e) {
      } finally {
        if( it != null ) {
        if( set != null ) {
    .. Tip::
        You can find information on the mechanisms
        available for querying the data access
        `Guide to the developer of the Data Access Library (DAL)`_

    .. _`Guide to the developer of the Data Access Library (DAL)`:

    From this point out:
    - We can find out which attribute of the *features* is the one that contains the geometry
      through the *getDefaultGeometryAttributeName* from *feature type* of our *store*.
    - To perform a search for *features* in a *store* we will invoke the method
      Passed as parameter *getFeatureSet* an instance of *FeatureQuery* in which
      specify the filter conditions. It can also be specified
      order or attributes that we want to recover in our query.
    - The filter condition is specified by providing a method *setFilter Evaluator*
      of our query.
    - We take care of releasing objects that we, like *iterators* o *feature sets*.
      Keep in mind that depending on the type of * store * with which we are working
      they may have reserved resources and connections to databases, recordsets or connections
      remote servers.
  - The *openShape* method. Here's how to open a *store* based on existing shapes:

    .. code-block:: java

      parameters = manager.createStoreParameters("Shape");
      parameters.setDynValue("shpfile", shape);
      parameters.setDynValue("crs", "EPSG:23030");
      return (FeatureStore) manager.openStore("Shape", parameters);

    Note that, to open a *store* we will do this in two phases. On the one hand create
    a structure to house the parameters needed to open our *store* the
    initialized with the appropriate values ​​and invoke the *openStore* method from the data access manager within those parameters.
    Each type of *store* will have a set of parameters specific to it. To open a shape,
    we indicate at least the name of the file and the reference system in which
    is located.
- **IntersectsEvaluator**. This is the class that evaluates the condition used in the filter.
  This field class checks if the specified geometry intersects a given feature
  specific geometry. In its construction will provide the field containing the
  feature geometry and geometry to check whether there are intersecting. In this
  class should be emphasized:
  - The *evaluate* method, responsible for conducting the test:

    .. code-block:: java
      Geometry op1geom = (Geometry) data.getDataValue(this.op2attrname);
      return new Boolean(this.op1geom.intersects(op1geom));

    Knowing how to call the attribute that contains the geometry we can get this
    through the *getDataValue* method. Once we have the two geometries
    intersecs invoke * method * of the geometry to see if intersect.
  - The *getCQL* method. getCQL This method returns a string in the format of a *where* of
    sql to use as a filter in *stores* that attack to the database sql. The filter can be returned
    not be exactly the same as that implemented by the method code *Evaluate*, acting
    as a filter prior to this if the store supports it.
- **DefaultVisorBlock**. Represents a block from our domain. Stores
  geometry that gives shape to the block. The most important of this class is the
  *getProperties* method that returns all parcels that are on
  the block:

  .. code-block:: java

    List properties = new ArrayList();		

    FeatureStore store = this.manager.getProperties();
    String attrGeomName = store.getDefaultFeatureType().getDefaultGeometryAttributeName();
    FeatureQuery query = store.createFeatureQuery();
    query.setFilter( new IntersectsEvaluator(attrGeomName, this.shape) );
    set = this.manager.getProperties().getFeatureSet(query);
    if( set.isEmpty() ) {
      return null;
    it = set.fastiterator();
    while( it.hasNext() ) {
      Feature f = (Feature);
      VisorProperty property = new DefaultVisorProperty(
    return properties;

  We can see that the same mechanism used to filter the plots
  use the manager to retrieve an apple. In this case once you get the *set*
  the plots, runs, retrieving data from these and creating
  plot objects.

- **DefaultVisorProperty**. This is the class that represents a plot. In our
  example is not only logical, merely exposing the data store by

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