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.. contents::


This document describes a list of coding conventions that are required for 
code submissions to the project. By default, the coding conventions for 
most Open Source Projects should follow the existing coding conventions 
in the code that you are working on. For example, if the bracket is on 
the same line as the if statement, then you should write all your code 
to have that convention.

If you commit code that does not follow these conventions and you are 
caught, you are responsible for also fixing your own code.

Below is a list of coding conventions that are specific to gvSIG, everything 
else not specificially mentioned here should follow the 
official `Sun Java Coding Conventions `_

Why code conventions

As explained in the Sun Java Coding Conventions:

*Code conventions are important to programmers for a number of reasons:*

* *80% of the lifetime cost of a piece of software goes to maintenance.*
* *Hardly any software is maintained for its whole life by the original author.*
* *Code conventions improve the readability of the software, allowing engineers to understand new code more quickly and thoroughly.*
* *If you ship your source code as a product, you need to make sure it is as well packaged and clean as any other product you create.*

How to apply?

Having coding conventions is nice but having a way to ensure they are applied 
is even better ... :-)

The gvSIG maven configuration has a checkstyle target which performs coding 
conventions using the Checkstyle tool.

Please run this target before committing any code.

Also the eclipse configuration needed to format the source code taking into account the code conventions defined in the current document will be available in the project, from the gvsig-tools OSOR project.

If the project you are working with has a *prepare-workspace.xml* file which you have used to configure your workspace, you will have those files already downloaded and available into the folder::


Otherwise, you may download all the files through the repository URL:

To import those configurations perform the following:

#. Clean up: 

   - Go to *Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Clean Up* and click the button *Import*. 
   - In the file system explorer, select the *clean_up.xml* file.

.. figure:: images/clean_up_optim.png
   :align: center
   :width: 600

#. Code templates:

   - Go to *Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Code Templates* and click the button *Import*. 
   - In the file system explorer, select the *code_templates.xml* file.
   - Activate the option *Automatically add comments for new methods and types*.

.. figure:: images/code_templates_optim.png
   :align: center
   :width: 600

#. Formatter: 

   - Go to *Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter* and click the button *Import*. 
   - In the file system explorer, select the *formatter.xml* file.

.. figure:: images/formatter_optim.png
   :align: center
   :width: 600

#. Organize imports: 

   - Go to *Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Organize Imports* and click the button *Import*. 
   - In the file system explorer, select the *organize_imports.importorder* file.

.. figure:: images/organize_imports_optim.png
   :align: center
   :width: 600

gvSIG specific coding conventions

Mandatory conventions

#.  Headers

    Look at the `Headers`_ document for more information.

#.  Indentations

    4 spaces. NO tabs. 

#.  Javadoc

    All API interfaces and classes must be fully documented through javadocs comments at interface/class, method and package level.

    When you inherit or extend from another interface or class which is already documented, and implement or rewrite one of the parent methods, don't write any javadoc comments, as they are also inherited since java 1.4.

#.  Brackets

    All brackets should begin at the end of the line that begins the statement, and end on a new line indented to the beginning of the statement. Example:


    .. code-block:: java

      public class MyClass 

          public void someMethod() 
              if (...) { // Do something }


    .. code-block:: java

      public class MyClass {

          public void someMethod() {
              if (...) {
                // Do something

    Brackets are mandatory even for single line statements:

    .. code-block:: java

      if (expression)       // AVOID!
          // some code

      if (expression) {     // RIGHT
          // some code

#.  Blank Spaces

    Keywords followed by a parenthesis should be separated by a space. Example:

    .. code-block:: java

      while (true) {
          // some code

    Blank space should appear after commas in argument lists. Binary operators should be separated from their operands by spaces:

    .. code-block:: java

      a += c + d;
      a = (a + b) / (c * d);

      while (d++ = s++) {

      printSize("size is " + foo + "\n");
#.  Class variables

    Class variables should not have any prefix or suffix related to its data type or scope. 

    .. code-block:: java

        String nameString;   // AVOID!

        String name;         // RIGHT

#.  Parameter names

    Method parameters should be prefixed by "the" for differentiating them from 
    inner variables, when there is an inner variable with the same name or use. For example:

    .. code-block:: java

      public void someMethod(String theClassName) {
          String className; // inner variable

#.  Line length

    Avoid lines longer than 80 characters for Code, comments, ...
#.  Versioning

    All .java files should have a @version tag like the one below into the class javadoc comment::

      @version $Id$

#.  Logging

    Do not use System.out to log. Instead, use the SLF4J logging API.
    For example:

    .. code-block:: java

      private static final Logger LOG = 

      public void someMethod() {
          LOG.debug("some debug text");

    For more information on SLF4J usage, you can read the `Logging`_ document.

#.  Exception handling

    Managing exceptions correctly requires experience. 
    This is not supposed to be a guide on managing exceptions, 
    simply a few best practices.

    * *Rule 1*: Try to catch exceptions as much as possible and 
      rethrow higher level exceptions (meaning hiding the low 
      level detailed and putting a message that is more related 
      to the function of your code).
    * *Rule 2*: It is important not to loose the stack trace 
      which contains important information. Use chained exceptions 
      for that.
    * *Rule 3*: Always log the exception at the higher level 
      (ie. where it is handled and not rethrown).
    * *Rule 4*: Try to avoid catching Throwable or Exception and
      catch specific exceptions instead.

    * *Rule 5*: Create one parent Exception for each API library,
      so methods of the API that throw any exception use that parent 
      exception or one of the child ones.

    * *Rule 6*: If you have an exception or an error which can't be
      handled or resolved by code, throw or rethrow a BaseRuntimeException

    An example:

    .. code-block:: java

      public void getTestClass() {
          try {
              Class responseClass =
          } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
              String message = "Cannot instantiate test class";
              LOG.error(message, ex);
              throw new ChainedRuntimeException(message, e);

#.  Qualified imports

    All import statements should containing the full class name of classes 
    to import and should not use the "*" notation: An example:

    .. code-block:: java

      // AVOID!
      import java.util.*;

      // RIGHT
      import java.util.Date;

#.  Use interfaces in the declaration of methods and variables.

    By example, if you need a variable *x* that is a list, declare it 
    as *List* instead an *ArrayList*:

    .. code-block:: java

      // AVOID!
      ArrayList x = new ArrayList();
      HashMap y = new HashMap();

      public HashMap create(ArrayList keys, ArrarList values) {

      // RIGHT
      List x = new ArrayList();
      Map y = new HashMap();

      public Map create(List keys, List values) {

#.  API packages

    Usually, API interfaces and classes will belong to the library's main root package. If you create subpackages, use them to group by functionality, not by type.

#.  How to name packages

    All packages must begin with *org.gvsig*.

    For more information on this convention, you can read the `How to name packages`_ document.

Advised conventions

#.  How to name interfaces and classes

.. attention:: TODO

    For more information on this convention, you can read the `How to name interfaces and classes`_ document.

.. _Headers: headers
.. _How to name interfaces and classes: nomenclatura-para-clases-e-interfaces
.. _How to name packages: nombres-de-paquetes-a-usar-en-gvsig
.. _Logging: logging

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