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In gvSIG 2.0 a separate project for geometry libraries has been constructed. It has evolved from what was in previous libraries and provides a separation between the API, implementation and operations on geometries.

There is `development documentation`__ available on the library, where we can see major changes at the API level, and a description of the model geometry that defines the library.

__ /web/docdev/docs/v2_0/org.gvsig.fmap.geom/

One of the major changes is that classes such as *FShape* have disappeared, and will be substituted by the interfaces available in the geometry library, such as *Geometry* and *GeometryManager*.

For example, where constant shape types were used to define the *FShape* class, there are now two options:

- Using geometry operations, we can associate types and/or subtypes of geometries.

- Using constant types and subtypes that are defined in the *Geometry.TYPES* and *Geometry.SUBTYPES* interfaces. This option has a big problem, in that these types and subtypes do not cover all possibilities, but only those defined initially as defaults. From now on libraries or extensions can be registered on their own, so if you use this option, instead of registering operations, our functionality won't function properly with these other geometry types.

In any case, if we choose the latter option, then we have a table showing the equivalents between the types of shapes and types of geometries of the new library:

.. list-table::

  * - **FShape**
    - **Geometry.TYPES**

  * - NULL
    - NULL

  * - POINT
    - POINT

  * - LINE
    - CURVE


  * - TEXT
    - TEXT

  * - MULTI


  * - CIRCLE
    - CIRCLE

  * - ARC
    - ARC


  * - Z
    - (*)

(*) In the gvSIG 2.0 geometry library, any geometry may be 2D, 3D, 2DM, etc. This feature is managed through the subtype of a geometry (see Geometry.SUBTYPES for predefined subtypes), so there is no equivalent for this constant in Geometry.TYPES.

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