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Moving to Java >= 1.5

by Frank Sokolic last modified 2010-10-14 12:29

gvSIG 2.0 supports Java version 1.5 or higher, except in joint projects with gvSIG mobile.

When migrating a project, we need to decide if we want the code to work on gvSIG mobile or not. If so, it is usually not all the code that needs to be compatible, only the library or the library API. It is therefore advisable to have these in a project separate from the rest and then to validate, unless the project compiles to Java ME CDC.

If the project does not need to be compatible with gvSIG mobile, or a part thereof, it is compiled with Java 1.5 or higher.

Due to the compilation with Java 1.5, it is advisable to remove the warnings that could appear in the code in Eclipse, such as the use of the classes of collections without the use of generics.

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