The `Maven Getting Started Guide`__ describes the common tasks, among which:
- Compile a project::
mvn compile
- Generate the artifacts (usually .jar files) and install them in the local Maven repository so that they are available for the other projects. This in turn implies the compilation, generation of .jar files, launching of tests ::
mvn install
- Upload a generated jar (or jars) to the Maven repository, to publish a binary for the other projects::
mvn deploy
This option will be used when we have finished a version of a project that we want to publish so that it is accessible for other developers.
- Delete everything that is generated with Maven, within the project::
mvn clean
- Launch the unit tests::
mvn test
NOTE: Keep in mind that it is the virtual machine through which Maven is invoked that will launch the unit tests. This implies that, in general, we have the same requirements as gvSIG itself, such as having the JAI installed. This must be taken into account, also because the unit tests will be launched when generating a build.