Geometry creation
This document explains how to create a new geometry
.. include-document:: org.gvsig.fmap.geom/reference-links :rest: The GeometryManager_ has a method called *create* with two parameters (type and subtype) which is the generic method to create a new geometry. Using this method, you can create all the geometries previously registered. For example, to create a 2-dimensional point, you must execute the following code: .. code-block:: java GeometryManager geometryManager = GeometryLocator.getGeometryManager(); Geometry point = geometryManager.create(TYPES.POINT, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D); The geometry returned by this method is an empty geometry. To assign a value to the geometry coordinates we must do a casting to the geometry type that we are trying to create. Next, we can fix the coordinate values using the methods that are available in the geometry type. In the next example, we will create a 2-dimensional point in the 2,4 coordinates: .. code-block:: java Point point = (Point) geometryManager.create(TYPES.POINT, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D); point.setX(2); point.setY(4); In the next sections of this document, we will comment separately the different geometry types that exist in gvSIG and, for each one, we will show examples of their creation.