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.. include-document:: org.gvsig.fmap.geom/reference-links

The circles are represented on gvSIG with the Circle_ interface. To create a circle we can use the generic method *create* from the manager and, after that, establish the values of the center and radius. If we have a Point_ object (0,0 in this example) and we know the radius (5), we can create a circle with the following steps:

.. code-block:: java

  Point centerPoint = geometryManager.createPoint(0, 0, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  Circle circle = (Circle)geometryManager.create(TYPES.CIRCLE, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  circle.setPoints(centerPoint, 5);

Another option is to create a circle with a center and a point in the circle's circumference diameter. The next example let us to create a circle like the created in the first example:

.. code-block:: java

  Point centerPoint = geometryManager.createPoint(0, 0, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  Point radiousPoint = geometryManager.createPoint(0, 5, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  Circle circle = (Circle)geometryManager.create(TYPES.CIRCLE, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  circle.setPoints(centerPoint, radiousPoint);

The third option is to create a circumference with three points  because there's only one which pass on them. To do that, we must create the three points and to invoke the *setPoints* method:

.. code-block:: java

  Point point1 = geometryManager.createPoint(0, 0, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  Point point2 = geometryManager.createPoint(5, 5, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  Point point3 = geometryManager.createPoint(7, 7, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  Circle circle = (Circle)geometryManager.create(TYPES.CIRCLE, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  circle.setPoints(point1, point2, point3);

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