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.. include-document:: org.gvsig.fmap.geom/reference-links

To create a geometry of the *Point* type, is necessary to use the code *Point* of the list on TYPES_. We can use the generic method from the GeometryManager_ to create the geonometry, to do a casting to Point_ and to assign the values. For example, to create a 2-dimensional geometry with the coordinates 2,4 we need to execute the following code:

.. code-block:: java

  Point point = (Point) geometryManager.create(TYPES.POINT, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);

There're directly methods both to write (*setX* and *setY*) and to read (*getX* and *getY*) the first and the second coordenate. To edit or recuperate the rest of values from the other dimensions you can use the generic methods *setCoordinateAt* and *getCoordinateAt*.

The manager has directly methods to create the most common geometries with the intent that we don't need to do a casting and the assignation of the values to the two first coordinates. In the Point_ case, we can use the method *createPoint* from the manager, where we must indicate the subtype of the point and the values of the first and second coordenate.

.. code-block:: java

  Point point = geometryManager.createPoint(2, 4, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);

There aren't specific methods for all the kinds of geometries. For example, to create a 3-dimensional point which has the coordenates 1,1,5 we must execute the following code:

.. code-block:: java

  Point point = geometryManager.createPoint(1, 1, SUBTYPES.GEOM3D);
  point.setCoordinateAt(2, 5);

Another option could be do it for each coordenate, and the result point will be the same:

.. code-block:: java

  Point point = (Point) geometryManager.create(TYPES.POINT, SUBTYPES.GEOM2D);
  point.setCoordinateAt(2, 5);

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