gvSIG-Desktop 1.10. Manual de usuario
- Introduction
- gvSIG Projects
- Introduction
- Saving a project
- New project
- Open a project
- Saving and Closing a project
- Copying and pasting documents in gvSIG
- Documents
- 2D views
- Vectorial tools
- Raster tools
- Introduction
- Layer properties
- Layer information
- Raster properties
- Setting a visible scale range for a layer
- Enhancement (Raster properties)
- Image statistics
- Bands and files selector
- Transparency per pixel
- General components
- Table of contents (ToC)
- Properties of a view in gvSIG
- Maps
- Copying layers in gvSIG
- Deleting layers
- Exporting to image
- Viewing and accesing data
- Layer data source
- Consulting tools
- Information tool
- Herramienta de información rápida
- Measuring areas
- Measuring distances
- Catalogue. Searching for geodata
- Gazetteer
- Hiperenlace avanzado
- Navigation tools
- Navigating around / Exploring the view
- Configuring the locator map
- Centring the view on a point
- Locate by attribute
- Load data
- Geographical data
- Introduction
- Vectorial
- Adding a layer from a disk file
- Adding a layer using the WFS protocol
- Introduction
- Connecting to the server
- Accessing the service
- Selecting 'Layers'
- Selecting 'Attributes'
- 'Options' tab
- Filter
- Adding the layer to the view
- Modifying the layer's properties
- Filtrado por área
- Adding a layer using the ArcIMS vectorial
- Introduction to ArcIMS
- Connecting to image services
- Adding a layer using the ArcIMS protocol
- Add layer using the arcIMS protocol
- Connecting to the server
- Accessing the service
- Selecting layers
- Adding the layer to the view
- Points to remember about spatial reference systems
- Modifying the layer's properties
- Information about scale limits
- Attribute information requests
- Connecting to geometry services
- Adding a geometry layer
- ArcIMS symbols
- Symbols
- Legends
- Working with the layer
- geoDB Extension (database manager)
- Introduction
- The spatial connection database manager
- Adding a geoDB layer to the view
- Exporting a gvsig layer to a spatial database
- Oracle spatial
- Introduction
- Metadata
- Data types
- Coordinate systems in Oracle
- Notes on reading geometries
- Transferring a layer from gvSIG to Oracle
- ArcSDE
- Adding an Event layer
- Introduction
- Adding an event layer from a table
- Adding an event layer from a table associated with a layer in the view
- Coordinate Reference Systems
- Raster
- Adding a layer from a disk file
- Adding a layer using the WMS protocol
- Connecting to the service
- Accessing the service
- Selecting 'Layers'
- Selecting 'Styles' for the WMS server layers
- Selecting values for a WMS layer's 'Dimensions'
- Selecting the format, spatial system and/or transparency
- Adding the layer to the view
- Modifying the layer's properties
- Adding a layer using the WCS protocol
- Accessing the service
- Selecting 'Coverages'
- Selecting the 'Format'
- Adding the layer to the view
- Modifying the layer's properties
- Adding orthophotos using the ECWP protocol
- Adding a layer using the ArcIMS raster
- Introduction to ArcIMS
- Connecting to image services
- Adding a layer using the ArcIMS protocol
- Add layer using the arcIMS protocol
- Connecting to the server
- Accessing the service
- Selecting layers
- Adding the layer to the view
- Points to remember about spatial reference systems
- Modifying the layer's properties
- Information about scale limits
- Attribute information requests
- Connecting to geometry services
- Adding a geometry layer
- ArcIMS symbols
- Symbols
- Legends
- Working with the layer
- Web Map Context
- Alphanumeric data
- Symbology
- Labelling
- Introduction
- Static labelling
- Advanced Labelling (user defined)
- Introduction
- Label features in the same way
- Label only when the feature is selected
- Define classes of features and label each differently
- Common options
- Single labelling
- Selection tools
- Selección de elementos
- Introduction
- Selecting by point
- Selecting by rectangle
- Selecting by polygon
- Selecting by layer
- Selecting by attributes
- Inverting the selection
- Clearing selection
- NavTable
- Editing tools
- Introduction
- Graphic editing
- Introduction
- The graphic area
- Starting and finishing an editing session in gvSIG
- Procedures to input commands
- Editing properties
- Undoing / Redoing
- Editing commands
- Introduction
- Copying
- Symmetry
- Rotating
- Moving Elements
- Selecting
- Editing vertex
- Internal polygon
- Scaling
- Explotar
- Unir geometrias
- Partir geometrias
- Matriz
- Drawing commands (points, lines...)
- Introduction
- Point
- Inserting a coordinate point
- Multipoint
- Line
- Arc
- Polyline
- Polygon
- Rectangle
- Square
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Autopolígono
- Creating a new layer
- Alphanumeric editing
- Introduction
- Editing session for an 'internal' table.
- Editing session for an 'external' table.
- Managing fields
- Editing a layer's table of attributes
- Field Calculator
- Introduction
- Accessing gvSIG's field calculator
- Introduction example
- Description of the 'Field Calculator'
- Agregar información geomítrica a la capa
- Importar campos de una tabla a otra
- Analisys and procesing data
- Vectorial
- Geoprocessing tools
- Introduction
- Accessing the geoprocesses
- Buffer
- Intersection
- Clipping
- Dissolve
- Merge
- Convex hull
- Difference
- Union
- Spatial join
- 2D Translation
- Reprojection
- Exporting layers
- Introduction
- Exporting a shape
- Exporting to dxf
- Exporting to postgis and Oracle Spatial
- Exporting to gml
- Exportar a kml
- Annotation layer
- Introduction
- Creating an annotation layer
- Editing an annotation layer
- Annotation layer properties
- Adding an annotation layer to the view
- Example of how to create an annotation layer
- Export to a raster layer
- Crear shape de geometrías derivadas
- Raster
- Layer functionalities
- Filters
- Histogram
- Radiometric enhancement
- Save View as image
- Clipping layers
- Zoom to raster resolution
- Automatic vectorization
- Analysis view
- Geographic Transformations
- Alphanumeric
- Maps
- Preparing a page
- Templates
- Tools for navigating in a map
- Graphic elements
- Operations with graphics
- Inserting elements in a map
- Map-inserted element properties
- Aligning
- Grouping / Ungrouping
- Viewing order
- Graphic line
- Size and position
- Undoing / Redoing
- Deleting a selection
- Tools for exporting to postScript and pdf
- Printing
- Impresión rápida
- Preference window
- Introduction preference window
- The annotation preferences
- Editing preferences
- Introduction
- Colour of the selection
- Colour of the reference axis
- Colour of the selection geometry
- Colour of the selection handler
- General preferences
- Introduction
- Extension directory
- Appearance
- Folders
- Display configuration
- Web browser
- Activate/Deactivate Extensions
- Translator Manager
- Introduction
- Changing the application language
- The import/export file
- To install or update a language translation
- Uninstall a language translation
- Exporting a language translation to update it
- Exporting to translate to a new language
- Preferencias. Generar backup del gvp
- Raster
- Network, firewall, proxy
- Map preferences
- View preferences
- Sextante
- Introduction
- The Sextante toolbox
- The Sextante graphical modeler
- Introduction
- Definition of inputs
- Definition of the workflow
- Editing the model
- Saving and loading models
- The Sextante batch processing interface
- Introduction
- The parameters table
- Filling the parameters table
- Setting raster output characteristics
- Executing the batch process
- Batch processing with layers in the current project
- The Sextante command-line interface
- Introduction
- The interface
- Getting information about algorithms
- Running an algorithm
- Adjusting output raster characterisitics
- The Sextante history manager
- Scripting extension
- Glossary
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