gvSIG-Desktop 1.9. Nuevas funcionalidades
- Symbology
- Labelling
- Introduction
- Static labelling
- Advanced Labelling (user defined)
- Introduction
- Label features in the same way
- Label only when the feature is selected
- Define classes of features and label each differently
- Common options
- Single labelling
- Maps
- ArcSDE
- Raster
- Layer functionalities
- Supported raster formats
- Adding .RAW layers
- Image statistics
- Filters
- Histogram
- Layer information
- Setting a visible scale range for a layer
- Enhancement (Raster properties)
- Save View as image
- Radiometric enhancement
- Export raster formats
- Clipping layers
- Image reprojection
- Select raster layers
- Color tables or gradients
- Bands and files selector
- Transparency per pixel
- Nodata values
- Zoom to raster resolution
- Automatic vectorization
- Analysis view
- Generate overviews (pyramids)
- General components
- Previewing the output
- Output selector
- Table control
- Progress bar
- Display of processing statistics when a new layer has been created
- Accessing raster functions from the toolbar
- Geographic Transformations
- Edition
- Geoprocessing tools
- Views
- Consulting tools
- Selecting tools
- Herramientas de transformación de datos
- Imprimir vista sobre una plantilla
- Carga de datos
- Tables
- Exportar subconjuntos de datos de tablas
- Agregar información geográfica a la capa
- Codificación de caracteres en tablas
- Unión de tablas
- Exportar estadíticas de tablas
- Translator Manager
- Introduction
- Changing the application language
- The import/export file
- To install or update a language translation
- Uninstall a language translation
- Exporting a language translation to update it
- Exporting to translate to a new language
- Preferences
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