gvSIG Documents reference
.. contents:
class Project
**Represents a gvSIG project**
- getView([name]): Return active view, view called 'name' or None
- param name: (Optional) View name
- type name: string
- getTable([name]): Return active Table Document, or Table Document
called 'name' or None
- param name: (Optional) Table Document name
- type name: string
- getProjectionCode(): Return Project projection name
class View
**Represents gvSIG view document**
- getLayer([name]): Return one of the view layers documents. If name is None
return active view layer if the view has one. If name is not None return view
layer called name. Else return None.
- param name: (Optional) View name
- type name: string
- getMap(): Return view mapContext
- addLayer(layer): Add a gvSIG layer to the view
- param layer: layer to add
- type name: layer
- getLayers(): Return iterable view layers set
- getGraphicsLayer(): Return view graphics layer
class Table
**Represents gvsig TableDocument** It is able to manage its own data set
- features([expresion]): Return table features set
- param expresion: (Optional) Filter to apply to the feature set to select
determinates features that match with expression
- type expresion: string
- return: FeatureSet
- edit(): Set data store in edition mode
- append(values): Create a new feature from given values and insert it in the
feature set
- param values: dictionary with name property value or list named params
- type values: dict
- updateSchema(schema): Update table data definition with schema.
- param schema: Modified table schema
- type schema: Editable Schema
- update(feature): Update exist feature in the layer featureSet
- param feature: Feature to modify in data set
- type feature: Feature
- getSchema(): Return layer schema definition
- commit(): Finish layer edition
- abort(): Cancel layer edition
- getSelection(): Return layer features selected set
class Layer
**Represents gvsig view layer** . It is also is able to manage its own data set
- features([expresion]): Return layer features set
- param expresion: (Optional) Filter to apply to the feature set to select
determinates features that match with expression
- type expresion: string
- return: FeatureSet
- edit(): Set data store in edition mode
- append(values): Create a new feature from given values and insert it in the
feature set
- param values: dictionary with name property value or list named params
- type values: dict
- updateSchema(schema): Update table data definition with schema.
- param schema: Modified table schema
- type schema: Editable Schema
- update(editableFeature): Update exist feature in the layer featureSet
- param editableFeature: editableFeature
- type editableFeature: Java editableFeature
- getSchema(): Return layer schema definition
- commit(): Finish layer edition
- abort(): Cancel layer edition
- getSelection(): Return layer features selected set (FeatureSet)
- getTypeVectorLayer(): Return layer geometry type.
Documents util Functions
- currentProject(): Return the current gvSIG proyect
- currentDocument(): Return the current active document (View or TableDocument)
- currentView(): Return the current active view document or None. If no view
active view raise RuntimeException
- currentLayer(): Return current view active layer